Thursday, December 29, 2011

Family Christmas/Santa

We celebrated our little family Christmas on the night before Christmas Eve as we were going to be out of town on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. While Drake was napping I got the brilliant idea to make hot chocolate for the 2 of us to enjoy while we waited for Ben to get home for work. I was SO excited about the idea (Drake had never had hot chocolate before) that I could not stand it and went and woke Drakie up from his nap. Apparently I like hot chocolate more than he does, as he did not even try one little sip. Oh well, it was still fun!

After Ben came home from work we got started on opening presents! I decided that we were going to do our presents to Drake a little different this year ( and every year in the future) and give him 3 gifts from us to represent the 3 gifts that Jesus received when he was born.

Drake had a fun time opening presents and loved everything he received. We got him a Melissa and Doug puzzle, a Lego set, and a set of 8 Cars with the Cars 2 DVD.

After we opened gifts we had a picnic in our family room where we ate pizza and watched Cars 2. We topped the night off with a ride around town to look at Christmas lights.

Santa must have known we were not going to home Christmas morning so he decided to stop by a day early!

Boy does Santa know how to make a train loving little boy happy! Drake's little mind was just blown when he saw the awesome train table Santa left for him. He loved it so much that he could not be bothered with opening his stocking or eating breakfast. When I told him it was time to head to Nana and Papa's house he looked  at me and said "No, I run away with my trains"!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

26 Weeks

Wow! Could time fly any faster?!? I am 26 weeks today and have less than 100 days to go!!

I've been feeling great and am really enjoying this pregnancy.

I failed my 1 hour glucose test a couple of weeks ago, so I'm going to have to suffer through the 3 hour test at my next appointment. As soon as Christmas is over I'm cutting back on my carbs and sugar to help my chances at passing the test. I might have been eating a lot of our Christmas cookies the week I took the 1 hr test ;).

Drake prays for the baby almost every night before bed and my heart just melts whenever he says it.

Little Brother's room is almost done. We did not have a lot to do since we are using the same room Drake was in when he was a baby. The room is so cute and I'm SO happy to be able to reuse it. I've added a few new things for this baby and will take pictures to show you all very soon.

The baby seems to have grown a lot in the past few weeks. I now feel like I have a head in ribs!  He seems to respond to me when I poke my stomach so I'm always trying to get him to move around in there for me!

Also did you know that there is such a thing as pregnancy induced asthma? I didn't either, but apparently there is and I have it. Thankfully it can be safely treated while pregnant to minimize the symptoms and goes away after the baby is born. Little Brother seems to already be giving me a run for my money!

We have really been trying to soak in our little family of 3 lately. We can't wait for Little Brother to get here, but are enjoying the last few months of our one-on-one time with his Big Brother. Drake seems to be enjoying all the family date nights, movies, and pizza parties we have been having lately!

ALSO, We decided on a name but are just sharing it with family and close friends. I will give you one clue though-It does not start with a D. Real helpful right?

Monday, December 19, 2011

It Never Fails

We almost always eat supper together as a family. I love sitting down to a meal and talking about my day with Ben while Drake chatters away. But sometimes due to our schedule or just not being hungry at 5:30 Ben and I will wait and eat after Drake goes to bed at 8:00.

Drake is great at going to bed. We read a book, I lay with him and cuddle and say prayers, give him a few hugs and kisses, and he is down for the night. This is pretty much how it goes almost every night, EXCEPT for the nights we decide to eat dinner after he goes to bed. It pretty much never fails, those are the nights that he is up and crying to get out of bed or banging on his door yelling for us.

What am I missing out on here? Does he have some sort of 6th sense about us wanting to have a meal in peace and quiet? I don't get it. I guess we will just have to stick with the early dinner!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hi Santa

Visiting Santa has been a tradition since Drake's 1st Christmas. The first year Drake was only 5 months old and had no idea what was going on.

And then there  was last year.

You might remember that last year Santa did not go over so well.

Drake was a crying and scared mess.

I promised myself that no matter how much I would love a picture of Drake with Santa I would not make him sit on his lap or even go see him this year if he didn't want need to scare the kid even more.

We asked Drake if he wanted to see Santa and he seemed excited so we packed up the car, roped Ben's parents into going with us and off we went. Drake talked the big talk the whole way there, telling us what he was going to say, and how he was going to sit on Santa's lap and "no cry."

He talked the talk but we did not know if he would walk the walk. We had to wait in line and as we waited Drake kept saying "Go away kids, go away" because he wanted to be at the front of the line.

The big moment finally came. He took my hand and walked right up to Santa. "Hi Santa" he said with a big smile. I asked if he wanted to sit on his lap and he said he did.

He told Santa he wanted trains for Christmas (I hear that Santa has that covered) and even told him he would prefer Thomas Trains (I think Grandma and Grandpa and Nana and Papa are covering that for Santa).

And then we took what is to be the official Santa picture of 2011.

A few things about this photo

When did my baby grow up to look like such a handsome little boy?!?

I must have missed it.


I promise he was enjoying himself much more than this photo shows.

All in all I think we will call Santa visit 2011 a success. So much of a success that I may or may not have teared up watching my little boy act so big.

And for good measure....

I die of the cuteness of this picture.

I can only imagine how I'm going to feel next year as I watch my TWO little boys experience the magic that is Christmas.

Monday, December 12, 2011

That is Amazing!

Drake's new favorite thing to say is " Momma, that is amazing!" He says it about any and everything and it just makes my heart melt every single time. I love his innocence and how something so small can be so amazing to him! I've decided to take a cue from my little guy and tell you some things I think are just amazing right now!

  • Baby laundry. Seriously the best laundry ever! I've had so much fun washing and putting way little brother's clothes. I can't believe he will be here in 3 short months!

  • A day with friends. On Saturday one of my best friends and her kids came to visit. I felt so refreshed and happy after she left. That night our good friends and neighbors came over for dinner and to let the kids play. Between the 3 couples we have 4 boys (with one on the way)! 3 of the four are within 5 months in age of each other. Can you imagine 3 crazy 2-year-olds running around?!? It IS amazing!

  • Life getting back to normal. I mentioned briefly that Ben started a new job a few weeks ago.  Getting back into a routine and having some security again really makes me breathe just a little easier.

  • "What's that name?" Drake has started to ask everybody their name. He is so interested in meeting new people.

  • Taking Drake to see the  Polar Express at the IMAX. There really is nothing better than seeing something for the first time through your child's eyes. It was a magical night.

  • My new blog header! I made it myself using Photoshop. It is not perfect, but not too bad for my 1st real Photoshop project!

Life right now is truly amazing. We have been so blessed  and are enjoying each blessing God has put in our life.

P.S. We are taking Drake to see Santa tonight so I will be anxious to see if he thinks that is "amazing" Especially with how our visit turned out last year!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Catching Up

Well November is almost over (how?!?!) and I did not quite succeed
in posting everyday for 30 Days of Thankful. I'm going to cut myself some slack
and be happy with what I did post. It was such a fun project and I look forward
to doing something similar again next year!

December is shaping up to be a very busy month for us and I could
not be more excited. I love everything about the Christmas season and can't
wait to spend more time with friends and family.

In the last week or so Drake has started talking almost entirely
in full sentences! He has been pretty close to doing this for some time but
always left a word or 2 out. Not anymore! This boy has something to say about
everything. I spend a good chunk of my day laughing at the hilarious stuff that
comes out of his mouth!

Little Brother has a name. We have told family and some friends
but are keeping it to ourselves for now. Hint-It does NOT start with the letter
D! :) Real helpful right?!?

Speaking of Little Brother- I can't believe he will be here in 4
months! I'm so excited and also a little nervous. We pretty much have life down
as a family of 3, so I'm a little scared what throwing a newborn into the mix
will be like. I can't wait to snuggle a new baby and I really can't wait to see
Drake with his little brother.

That is it for now. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are
gearing up for the holidays!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 26) - Medicine

Today I am simply thankful for the medicine that is making this annoying sinus infection, double ear infection, yucky cough thing jut a little bit easier to handle.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 25) - Patience

On days like today...

Patience is really something I am thankful for!

Thankful Project (Day 24) - A Day to be Thankful

I woke up to house still sound asleep. I snuck out of bed to the kitchen where I made myself a cup of coffee. I popped some cinnamon rolls in the oven and sat down to look over the Black Friday ads.

Soon the littlest of the house was stirring and we started our day with a warm breakfast together.

We loaded up the car and headed to my parents where my sisters met us. We laughed and talked and ate and had a great time enjoying each others company.

After a few hours we loaded the car back up and drove the short drive to Ben's parents. The house was filled with the smell of yummy food and the sound of 2 cousins chasing each other around the house.

As we drove home last night, we were full. Full of food, full of memories, full of love, and full of thanks.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Disney on Ice Review

Tonight Drake, Ben and I had the opportunity to attend Disney on Ice.

Thankful Project (Day 23) - What Little Boys Say

In the last few days Drake has said:

  • "We are at the Penguin house!" when we pulled into the movie theater parking lot to see Happy Feet 2.

  • "Cookie house" when we stopped at the grocery store yesterday. They give free cookies to kids there and he does not forget.

  • " Medicine house" when I stopped at Wal-Greens (Are you noticing a theme?!? He is super into everything being a house of some sort right now)

  • "I don't want to" when I asked him to come eat lunch today. I have no idea where he got that, but not such a fan of that line!

  • "I skate too Mommy" when we talked about going to Disney on Ice. Good thing we are in the balcony so he has a long distance between him and the ice!

  • "I want Drakie's house" as he screamed and begged to leave the car wash.

  • "It's a sister" when he ask him what his brother's name is.

Where the kid comes up with the stuff he says I have no idea, but he makes us laugh every single day with something new that comes out of his mouth and for that I'm thankful!

Thankful Project (Day 17) - 2nd Trimester

I'm in love with the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Since about week 18 I've felt great and have enjoyed all things pregnancy. I have minimal heart burn, sleep great, and enjoy feeling the baby kicking around all the time. I know it is only a matter of time until I hit the uncomfortableness that is the 3rd trimester so I'm thankful to be soaking up every last drop of this wonderfulness.

When I was pregnant with Drake I wrote about pregnancy is like a Oreo cookie and the 2nd trimester is the middle. I still like to belive that is the way it is!

Thankful Project (Day 16) - My In-Laws

I was lucky enough to marry into a family where I am one of them. I've never felt like an outsider and have always felt like I fit right in.

Drake has the best time with his Grandma and Grandpa and asks almost every day to go to their house.  We are lucky that they only live a short 15 minute drive from us so Drake gets to see them often.  My mother-in-law had 2 boys of her own and is now expecting her 3rd grandson. She knows just how to deal with little boys and has a soft spot in her heart for them.

I know many people do not get along with their in-laws so I'm beyond thankful to not only have in-laws that I like, but in-laws that I love!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 22) - Superman

Tonight I am thankful to have my very own Superman in the house.

This is how Superman sits when he is in time out

Thankful Project (Day 15) - My Dad

My dad is the kind of person who people think they know. They think he is smart and serious and a hard worker. They think they know him, but they really have no idea. My dad is all of those things they think he is, but he is so much more.

I know that my dad is funny and kind-hearted. I know that he loves to work outside in his yard. I know that he is a good friend. I also know that he puts his family first 100% of the time.

My dad is a busy guy. He is a family physician who has taken on many roles outside of patient care. He is has a passion for family medicine, but an even bigger passion for his family.

I'm thankful for all that he has done and still does for our family and the community. He is well-loved  and very respected by many. But I can guarantee you that nobody loves my Dad quite as much as my little boy. I don't know what exactly it is, but Drake and his Papa have a bond that is unlike anything else. Drake is Papa's little buddy and Papa is Drake's favorite person. When Papa is around everyone else could disappear and all would still be right in Drake's world.

So today I'm thankful for a great father who has turned into a great Papa. I'm already dreaming of  all the wonderful memories he will create with Little Brother.

Papa with his 2 grandsons?

Well that might just be too much for my heart to handle!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 14) - Saturday Morning Breakfast

It is not unusual to find Ben, Drake and I at our local coffee shop on any given Saturday morning. We roll out of bed, brush our teeth, throw on some clothes and make the short drive down the road. We order breakfast sandwiches, pancakes, muffins, omelets, toast and of

We settle in a booth and chat while Drake plays a game.  We enjoy our warm coffee and linger over the food. We always run into somebody we know there and end up staying longer than we planned talking to them.

Our Saturday morning breakfast is something I look forward to every week and something that I am so thankful we can do together as a family. It is one of the first tradition we started with Drake and one that hope hangs around for a long time.

Thankful Project (Day 21) - Growing Baby

Me at 21 weeks with Baby Boy #2

 Me at 27 weeks with Drake.

I'm pretty much the same size now that I was when I was 6 weeks further along with Drake. This explains why it is already getting hard for me to bend over and get the laundry out of the washer. I could not be more excited to be growing though. Growing means the baby is thriving and doing well and growing also means that we are getting that much closer to meeting Little Brother. Love him so much already!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 13) - Family Pizza Party

A few weeks ago when Aunt Meggie was visiting we had our first movie and pizza night. I spread out an old sheet on the floor, baked a Papa Murphy's pizza, and started up Gnomeo and Juliet on Netflixs. As I sat there eating my pizza and watching how excite my little guy was to have his first pizza party, I thought about how thankful I am for the little things in life that sometimes make the best memories.

Thankful Project (Day 12)- Belly Laughs

I know I'm so far behind on this. We had our annual meeting at work last week and I've had zero time to be at the computer. I'm going to try my best to catch up over the next few days.

As I am sitting here typing this my ears are filled with the sound of Drake's belly laughs as Skinner chases him around the kitchen. Knowing my boy is happy and filled with joy makes me smile.  I'm so thankful for those sweet, sweet belly laughs!

Edited to add- Well I just found out what is really causing all those belly laughs. Drake is running around with a peanut butter sandwich and giving Skinner bites. He laughs whenever Skinner takes a bite. Gross. But still cute!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 11) - Healthy Baby Boy

Thursday night I had butterflies in my stomach thinking about our big ultrasound the next day. Of course I was thinking about if we would have a boy or a girl and what our family of four would look like, but even more than that I could not help but pray over and over again for a healthy baby.

In the past 2 years since Drake has been born, my eyes have been opened to friends who have had miscarriages, early labor, and even a stillbirth. I don't have the luxury of being unaware of what could happen like I seemed to be while I was pregnant with Drake.

When the ultrasound tech called my name my heart started to pound. I relaxed a little every time she would take a look at a body part and say that it looked great.

Finally she had all the measurements she needed and assured us that we had a very healthy and growing baby on our hands.  I finally could totally relax. I watched the screen as she started to look for the gender, after a short amount of time. She said "It's a boy!"

The moment she said those words my heart filled up with love for my unborn son. Images of football in the backyard, legos, trains, and lots of cuddles filled my mind.

We are so blessed I thought as we left the room with a handful of pictures of the little. Ben and I sat in the waiting room talking about names and what life with 2 little boys would be like. The one thing that we both knew in that moment was that we could not be more thankful for a healthy baby.

God is so good.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 10) - Answered Prayers

Today I am thankful simply for answered prayers.

There is no better feeling in the world than knowing He is listening and that His timing is perfect.

So very thankful.

Thankful Project (Day 9) - My Mom

I'm so thankful for the relationship I have with my mom.

She has taught me everything I know about being a mother.

She has told me things I did not want to hear but needed to.

She has gone to bat for me in more than one situation.

She has taught me what a strong and loving wife looks like.

She is the person I call with good news...and bad.

She is a woman I admire.

A woman I am so thankful to not only call my mom, but also my friend.

Thankful Project (Day 8) - Dance Parties

I love nothing more than spending an evening having a dance party with my favorite little dance partner. His current favorite song is Move Like Jagger and man does that kid have some moves!

Best part about dance parties with Drake? He loves my dances moves more than anyone and that makes me very thankful!

Plus? How could you not dance with somebody who has a face like that?


Friday, November 11, 2011


Today I could not be more excited to share that this spring we will be having a BOY! He looks healthy and beautiful.

I'm so lucky to be his Momma.

And he is so, so lucky to be brothers with the sweetest little boy I know.

Brothers....I like how that sounds.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 7)-Work Schedule

I pretty much won the lottery in terms of my work schedule. I am able to have the best of both worlds make a good living doing something I like and stay home with my little boy.

I work 3 days a week outside of the home. One day, either my mom or mother-in-law watches Drake. Those days are beyond priceless to Drake as he adores both his Nana and his Grandma. The other 2 days Drake goes to an in-home daycare. We could not be happier with the care and love he receives there. He looks forward to going and always has lots to tell us when we pick him up.

Thursdays and Fridays are Momma and Drakie days. We clean, run errands, go shopping, go to the zoo or the science center, play, cuddle and just enjoy our time together.

Saturdays and Sundays are reserved for fun. Our little family of 3 spends our weekends, exploring, going out for breakfast, visiting family, playing with friends, and enjoy each other.

I'm so blessed to have the opportunities I do and for that I could not be more thankful.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 6)-Flutters and Kicks

Today I'm simply thankful for feeling flutters and kicks and having the reminder of the little life that is growing inside of me.

Thankful. Very, very thankful.

Thankful Project (Day 5)-Faith

Today I'm thankful for my faith and the ability to believe in something I can not see.

I'm thankful the road that my faith has taken me down.

I'm thankful for my faith in the good times...and the bad.

I'm thankful to have grown up in a family of family and thankful to be able to raise my children in the same faith.

Today I'm thankful to know I'm part of something much bigger than myself.

Thankful Project (Day 4)- Sisters

I have been blessed with 2 younger sisters.

Younger sisters who are more than sisters, but are my best friends.

Best friends who I can be 100% myself around.

Best friends who make family gatherings my favorite place to be.

Best friends who happen to make really great aunts.

Best friends who are like sisters to my husband.

Best friends who just happen to be my sisters.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 3)-Home

Yesterday I spent a good 4 hours cleaning my kitchen from top to bottom. It was the kind of cleaning where I took everything out of the cabinets, wiped them down, and reorganized everything. My kitchen was so clean that we got McDonald's for lunch and ordered out for supper because I wanted to just enjoy the sparkling clean for one whole day!

Anyways, as I was cleaning yesterday, I could not help but think about how thankful I am for our little house that we call our very own. It is not fancy or big, but it is ours and we love it.

So today I'm thankful we have a cozy house where we can raise our children, relax, and make memories.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Disney on Ice Ticket Giveaway


Would you like to win a family 4 pack of Tickets to see Disney on Ice at Wells Fargo Arena this month?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 2)-Ben

This man will cook.

He will clean.

He will shop.

He loves the Iowa Hawkeyes.

He likes to snack all day.

He is patient.

He is kind.

He is laid backed.

He is thoughtful.

He is all of those things, but the 2 things I'm most thankful for are not listed above.

Ben is the most respectful husband a woman could ask for. He never raises his voice and treats me as an equal partner. He fights fair. He listens to my ideas. He lives his life as a respectful person and for that I'm so thankful.

Ben is also the most amazing father to Drake. He is often found playing trains on the floor with him and always has time to stop for a hug and kiss from his favorite guy. Bath time is boy time and Ben cherishes those moments so much.  I know many people do not have husbands who are an involved parent and I could not be more thankful that Ben is an equal parenting partner with me.

I'm so thankful to have found the perfect partner and father in Ben and even more thankful to have found the love of my life.

Thankful Project (Day 1)-Drake

I particpated in this last November on Facebook and loved seeing all the things people are thankful for. I decided to bring it to my blog this year so I can expand on the the things I'm really thankful for.

What I found interesting last year, is that it is SO easy at the begining to think of things your are thankful for ( family, friends, a house, etc.) but it get challanging once those run up. If you are doing something silimiar on your blog or on Facebook/Twitter let me know so I can follow along. So here we go....

Day 1- I'm Thankful for Drake

This kid makes me smile. Every. Single. Day.

The joy he has brought into my life can't be put into words because it is that great.

He has those big blue eyes that melt your heart and those perfect little lips that give the best kisses.

He has a heart of gold, always wanting to make sure other people are happy and can often be heard saying "You OK Momma?" if I'm not wearing a smile.

He is funny, and smart, and witty, and active, and sweet.

 He is my little boy.

He is the one who made me a Momma for the 1st time and for that I'm Thankful!

Monday, October 24, 2011


On 11-11-11 we get to find out if the Little is a boy or a girl.

I think BOY

Incase you are wondering

  • Heart rate is in the 150's

  • I have felt sicker this time than with Drake

  • I am carrying pretty low so far

What is your guess?


Disney on Ice is Coming to Des Moines


Disney’s newest princess Rapunzel appears on ice for the first time in new skating spectacular celebrating legacy of Disney animated films.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fire F@&k

Drake loves trucks. He really, really loves trucks. He loves to play with them, read about them, talk about them, and point them out on the road. He loves trucks.

This really would not be a problem except for the fact that when he says the word 'truck' it does not sound like that. Drake says the word with more of an 'f' sound and the 'r' sound is very faint so his 'truck' sounds more like 'f$@k'.

I will give you a moment to process how strange this must sound coming out of a toddlers mouth.

I will now give you a moment to process how we laugh so, so, so hard when Drake says 'fire f$@k' over and over again.

I am sure with a little practice we will get 'truck' down, but for now I guess we will just be seeing lots and lots of 'f&@ks' as we drive down the roa

The Card Still Makes Me Laugh

This was our Christmas card from last year.

I am still obsessed with it.

How can you not look at this and just laugh?

After I took this picture there was NO doubt in my mind that it would be going on our Christmas card. For the past few years I have made our Christmas cards on Shutterfly and have been so happy with the outcome and quality of the cards.

As soon as I saw this particular card design I knew it would be perfect to go with my Scary Santa photo. I have done Christmas cards in the past but none received the enthusiastic reaction that this card did. I'm going to be hard pressed to top this card this year!

Check out some of the cool cards and other holiday offerings Shutterfly offers:

· Christmas

· greeting cards

· holiday photo cards

I received a code from Shutterfly for free Christmas Cards. All opinions are my own. I use Shutterfly on a regular basis without receiving free stuff from them and I just really do love their products!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Things I Don't Want to Forget

  • The way Drake will play with his cars quietly in bed for a good hour after lights out at night.

  • The other day Drake hit me and Ben told him that it was not nice to hit Momma. He looked at me with a smile and said "I gotcha Momma" Ben then told him again in a firmer voice it is not nice to hit. Drake looked right at Ben and said "Oh Geez" Ben and I then both lost it.

  • Drake got in Ben's car the other day and said " Messy Car Daddy" Sure enough there was stuff everywhere. Smart boy!

  • Every night before we start eating supper Drake says "Hands" and wants us all to hold hands and pray. Melts me heart.

  • Drake is positive the baby is a sister and her name will be Sucker.

  • He loves to sing along to songs and dance to any music.

  • The way he always says "sorry" if he gets hurt even if it is not his fault.

  • His love for jumping off the couch, coffee table, and down the stairs.

  • Seeing his face the first time we took him to the movie theatre.

  • How he says "Ready Guys?" before we go outside.

  • How he like to yell "Hi friends" when he sees the neighbor kids.

  • How he says "Excuse Me" at just the right times.

  • How he says "Thank You" and "Please" and really means it.

I'm so in love with that little boy and I just never, ever, ever want to forget the things that make my heart smile.

Quick Phineas and Ferb Giveaway

So by now you all probably know that Phineas and Ferb Live is coming to Wells Fargo Arena on Saturday, right?!?

How would you like one more chance to win a family four pack of tickets?

Just leave a comment telling me your favorite thing about your best friend. I will pick a winner first thing Wednesday morning!

Good luck!

Here is a little more information about "Phineas and Ferb” :

Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all! Disney Channel’s animated gem, the critically acclaimed “Phineas and Ferb,” TV’s #1 animated series among Tweens 9-14 for three years running, has reached a new pinnacle by inspiring an exciting live touring stage show which will play more than 80 hometowns across the country beginning in August. The tour will visit Des Moines’ Wells Fargo Arena on Saturday, October 22 for a 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. show.
You can purchase tickets by visiting, all Dahl’s Food locations, the Wells Fargo Arena box office, or by calling 866-55-DAHLS.!
Tickets on sale now!
$18, $23, $28, $42, $62

Please note I received 3 complimentary tickets to Phineas and Ferb Live from Wells Fargo Arena.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello Baby Bump!

13 weeks (a couple weeks ago

[caption id="attachment_661" align="alignleft" width="213" caption="15 weeks (taken this morning)"][/caption]

I'm definitely showing earlier than I did with Drake, but I'm loving it! I've started to feel very faint flutters and can't wait until the real kicks start coming. I'm trying to enjoy every second of this pregnancy because before I know it will be over!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


13 weeks today I  thought as I sat anxiously waiting for the doctor to come in.

I wonder if it is a boy or girl?

I love having a little boy and brothers would be SO fun!

But a girl...a girl would be such a blessing too.

"Hello Katie" the doctor interrupted my thoughts as she entered the room.

"Climb up on the table and let's take a listen to your little one's heartbeat" she said as she rubbed the cold gel all over my expanding belly.

She placed the doppler on my belly.


She moved it around.

Still silence.

My breath caught as minutes went by with nothing but silence.

"I can't find the heartbeat and we don't have an ultrasound machine in this office. Can you drive downtown for a quick ultrasound to make sure everything is OK?"

I nodded as my head filled with all sorts of awful scenarios.

I walked in a fog of fear to my car where I called Ben and told him to meet me downtown.

I don't remember much of the car ride except for the praying part.

We sat in silence in the waiting room for 30 minutes waiting for my name to be called.

But I'm still been feeling sick.

My stomach has a noticeable bump.

This baby is our miracle.

"Katie come on back" this time my thoughts were interrupted by someone who would tell us the fate of our baby.

With a pounding heart I walked into the dark room with fear running through my veins as she put the cold gel on my stomach.

She started the ultrasound and we saw movement...lots and lots of movement.

And instead of silence the room was filled with the sound of a heart beating at 154 beats per minute.

I love you baby I thought as I sat back with a smile on my face watching my baby swim around.


Phineas and Ferb Live! (And Special Ticket Discount)


SAVE $10.00/person when you purchase tickets for both Phineas and Ferb Live! and Disney on Ice – Treasure Trove

Visit and enter the offer code DISNEYSPEC

Wells Fargo Arena
Oct. 22nd, 2011 (Sat.) 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM
Disney Live! - Seating Chart

Wells Fargo Arena
Nov. 25th, 2011 (Fri.) 3:00pm
Nov. 26th, 2011 (Sat.) 5:00pm
Nov. 27th, 2011 (Sun.) 1:00pm
Nov. 27th, 2011 (Sun.) 5:00pm
Disney on Ice - Seating Chart

Here is a little more information about  "Phineas and Ferb" :

Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all! Disney Channel's animated gem, the critically acclaimed "Phineas and Ferb," TV's #1 animated series among Tweens 9-14 for three years running, has reached a new pinnacle by inspiring an exciting live touring stage show which will play more than 80 hometowns across the country beginning in August. The tour will visit Des Moines' Wells Fargo Arena on Saturday, October 22 for a 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. show.
You can purchase tickets by visiting, all Dahl's Food locations, the Wells Fargo Arena box office, or by calling 866-55-DAHLS.!
Tickets on sale now!
$18, $23, $28, $42, $62

 Please note I received 3 complimentary tickets to Phineas and Ferb Live from Wells Fargo Arena.

Monday, September 26, 2011

So You Want to Know about Baby #2?

Here is a quick rundown on what is going on with me and the Little!

  • I'm already in my second trimester! Can you believe I kept this a secret for you all for that long?!?

  • I've felt pretty awful, but feel like I might be turning the corner.

  • Drake either really likes talking about the baby or really hates it.

  • He also looked at the ultrasound picture and got all excited and asked "Baby Monkey?"  Poor kid wants a monkey and we give him a baby instead.

  • We are so thrilled and excited and about this pregnancy. We found about the Little 2 days before Ben got laid off from his job. This pregnancy has been such a happy distraction.

  • I've already got a little bump and have for a few weeks now.

  • This pregnancy is flying by!! I'm trying to enjoy every last second of it all while soaking up these last few months alone with Drake.

  • We will be finding out in about 7-8 weeks what we are having. Ben and I both could care less what it is, but are excited to give Little a name and start planning!

  • I think I'm having a boy, Ben thinks girl, and Drake thinks he is getting a sister.  Any guesses?

This little secret might explain my lack of blogging the last few months. I'm been just too plain tried to do anything much but lay in bed and do only the most necessary household chores. It already seems like the 2nd trimester is brining me lots of energy, so I should be around a bit more!

Our Little Secret

 I have a secret....

Want to know what it is?!?

Let me hop back on my bike and I will ride over and tell you!

I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!

Momma says she will be back soon with details!

In the meantime, can you try to convince her that Sucker is a great name for the baby?

It was my idea and I love it!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Helmet Head

Should I be worried that Drake requested to wear his helmet in the car today?

I swear I'm a good driver...


Sorry for the crappy picture quality. My cell phone is 2 years old, so you know, pretty much ancient.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bye-Bye Paci

I can't believe I finally got up the courage to do it.  I have thought about it, talked about and thought about it some more until last Wednesday night when a moment of bravery came over me.

I walked into his room gathered his pacifiers, walked to the kitchen trash and threw them away. I then walked back upstairs, read Drake a book, tucked him in and when he asked "Pacis?!?" I simply told them they went bye-bye.

I left his room with my heart pounding and nervous feeling settling into my stomach. I ran to our bedroom to watch him on the video monitor. He was rubbing his blanket with his fingers and peacefully drifting off to sleep. My heart rate slowed but the nervous feeling stayed. I knew this was too good to be true, at any moment he would be waking up crying for them.

But he didn't. He didn't that night. He didn't the next day at nap time. He didn't the next night. He has not mentioned one single word about them. My little paci addicted boy was putting on a good show about his attachment to his much-loved pacis but he was fine without them. He was not even  giving it a second thought, all while I practically had to be rushed to the emergency room due to my panic over the situation.  Apparently he handles change a little better than his Momma!

In all seriousness he might have been addicted to those pacifiers, but I seriously had a love affair with them. I was the one who fed his addiction. Tired? How about a paci. Teeth hurt? Paci to the rescue? You hate life right now? This paci will help! Car ride to long and miserable and making you scream? Suck on this paci.

Oh how I loved those things...looks like I might be the one with the problem after all!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Life is good right now.

Drake is at a fun stage.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous.

Football season is here (Go HAWKEYES).

Fall is in the air.

As you can see it has been awhile since I last posted. This blog break has been good-refreshing. I've decided to really cut back on the blogs I read and the social media I use. I cut my Google Reader down by half and shut off my Twitter account. MAke life a little bit simpler is freeing and so needed sometimes.

Ben is still looking for a job. We are remaining upbeat and enjoying this extra time we have as a family. Worrying does not change anything so instead we try to remain positive and pray for the right job to come along. In the meantime, we are counting our blessings and going on with life.

This last month has taught me a very important lesson; Everything does not always have to be perfect in your life for you to be happy. Sometimes happiness can be found in the most unexpected places and joy can come from many different sources.

Yeah, life is not perfect, but it pretty darn good.

And I'm happy.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


As Drake gets older I find myself struggling more and more with just exactly what and how much I'm willing to share about him on the blog. I have been very careful to never use our last name on our blog, not only for privacy reasons, but also for the fast that I never want my blog to be the first thing that pops up if somebody was to Google Drake's name.

With that being said, I've decide to take a little bit of a different approach to my blogging. I will still blog about Drake on occasion, but I also want to start blogging about fashion, cooking, home, etc. I guess you could say more of a lifestyle blog.

So what do you think? Will you stick around with me?

P.S. I'm curious How do you decide how much is too much to share on your blog?

Phineas and Ferb Live Ticket Giveaway

The Giveaway is CLOSED. The winner is Comment #1

How would you like to win 4 tickets to see Phineas and Ferb Live: The best LIVE TourEver!?

Here is a little bit about the show-“Mom! Phineas and Ferb are going on a LIVE tour!!!” School‘s out for summer and anything is possible as Phineas and Ferb create their biggest invention yet --  Disney’s Phineas and Ferb LIVE!  On Tour.   Phineas, Ferb, and the whole tri-state area gang embark on a bold escape jumping out from behind your TV  and onto the stage in a live action adventure– right in your hometown!  And, before you can wonder, “Hey, Where’s Perry?” the beloved pet platypus shifts to his secret double life as Agent P to foil another one of Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil plans.  Musical madness abounds in an escapade so awesome that even Candace can’t help but join the hilarious hijinks.  It’s the ultimate end to summer vacation, so seize the day ‘cause Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all.

Tickets start at just $18! Buy tickets by clicking here, visiting all Dahl’s Foods locations, the Wells Fargo Arena ticketoffice, or by calling 866-55-DAHLS.

You could get your chance to attend in Des Moines, IA at Wells Fargo Arena October 22 at either 1 & 4 p.m. by answering the Phineas and Ferb Question Below.

Please leave a comment with what you think the answer is. I will pick a winner on Tuesday, August 30 from all of the correct guesses. Good luck!

How many days of summer vacation?

Please note-I was received 3 tickets to Phineas and Ferb in exchange for holding this giveaway and providing you this information. Please note all opinions are my own.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

With school starting back up again next week,  I can't help but think about how in four short years my little boy will be starting a new chapter in his life as he walks into a kindergarten classroom.

Although it is still years away there is one thing that worries me more than anything else-bullying

Kids can be so mean.

So cruel.

So awful to each other.

I worry about for Drake.

I know that I will not always be able to protect Drake from bullies.

I know that it is important that he learns how to handle those situations.

I also pray that Drake will never be the bully.

That Ben and I teach him about self-esteem and kindness.

That he does not join in the bullying just because his friends do.

That he has the courage to stand up for other kids when they are being bullied.

But even though I have many worries, I also have so much hope.

I recently finished reading the book The Help and was struck by a phrase that is repeated over and over in the book-"You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

Words I want Drake to hear over and over and over until he believes that about himself.

Words that I want him to repeat to other people.

Words that have the power to change a child.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Balance Bike

Have you hear of a balance bike before?  From what I've heard they are all the rage for toddlers. They are little tiny bikes that do not have training wheels or pedals. The kids learn how to balance with them by walking and eventually are able to pick up their feet ans coast. Apparently most kids go straight from a balance bike to a regular bike without training wheels.

Drake's Nana and Papa were kind enough to get him a balance bike for his birthday.

It took Drake a good 2 weeks before he would even get on it, but we had some visitors (17-month old twins-more to come on that in my next post) and he was desperate for any attention so he hopped right on and off he went!

[caption id="attachment_585" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="He needed a little help and support from Daddy at first..."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_586" align="aligncenter" width="440" caption="But before long he was doing it all on his own!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_587" align="aligncenter" width="254" caption="He had to stop a lot to ring his Lighting McQueen bell"][/caption]

and get lots of cheers and claps from Momma and Daddy!

I have feeling he will be zipping up and down the sidewalk before we know it!

In other news-When Drake got tired of riding his bike he literally did the worm all the way from our neighbors driveway back home. Sometimes I wonder what goes through that little head of his

[caption id="attachment_589" align="aligncenter" width="402" caption="Of course it is not weird to do the worm down the sidewalk on a Saturday morning. Nope, not weird at all."][/caption]

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{Almost} Wordless Wednesday-Family is Awesome

I'm so lucky to be part of this little group of people who love and support me, who love my husband like one of our own, and who thinks my son hung the moon.

And I'm even more lucky to have them!

[caption id="attachment_577" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="From left to right- Me, Drake, Ben, my Dad, my Mom, my sister Meggie, my sister Ellie, Ellie's boyfriend Chic"][/caption]

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meet 2-Year-Old Drake

Let me introduce to you my 2-year-old boy. Isn't he so handsome?!?

He is so in love with all of his "friends" he spends hours playing with them. He loves to line them up, make them drive his trucks, and give them baths. In the last few weeks I have heard him really expand on his pretend play by making them talk to each other.

This kid has a heart of gold. He comes up and asks me at least once a day "You OK Momma?" just out of the blue. He reminds us every night to pray before we start eating dinner by yelling out "hands" so we stop and hold hands and pray together.  He loves to come up to you and say "tickle, tickle" as he tickles your tummy.  The best part? He freely gives big kisses and great hugs when asked. I love that.

He talks from the second he wakes up until the second he goes to bed. He has turned into quite the little eavesdropper and we often hear him repeating what we just said in a conversation we did not think he was listening to. He has started saying some very funny things, at very funny times. A few weeks ago we were out to eat and he turned around in the both and told the people behind us "I have 2 daddies." We have no idea where he got that, but we laughed and laughed.

At two he seems so big-he sleeps in a big bed, he plays nicely by himself, he is independent. Yet, he still holds on to some of his babyhood. We have not started working on potty training and probably will not until sometime this winter. He also still has his pacis. He loves them, I love them so they are sticking around for now.

He has also really started standing his ground. The other day he was in trouble for not listening and was in timeout. When 2 minutes were up, I went over and explained to him what he did wrong and asked him to tell me he was sorry. He refused. Instead he choose to sit quietly in time out for 20 minutes with a look of pure determination on his face. He wanted to win. And he did. Smart boy he is.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for picking us. We are so blessed this little boy landed in our life. Raising him has been the single greatest privilege of my life and I am so honored to be his Momma.