Monday, November 14, 2011

Thankful Project (Day 11) - Healthy Baby Boy

Thursday night I had butterflies in my stomach thinking about our big ultrasound the next day. Of course I was thinking about if we would have a boy or a girl and what our family of four would look like, but even more than that I could not help but pray over and over again for a healthy baby.

In the past 2 years since Drake has been born, my eyes have been opened to friends who have had miscarriages, early labor, and even a stillbirth. I don't have the luxury of being unaware of what could happen like I seemed to be while I was pregnant with Drake.

When the ultrasound tech called my name my heart started to pound. I relaxed a little every time she would take a look at a body part and say that it looked great.

Finally she had all the measurements she needed and assured us that we had a very healthy and growing baby on our hands.  I finally could totally relax. I watched the screen as she started to look for the gender, after a short amount of time. She said "It's a boy!"

The moment she said those words my heart filled up with love for my unborn son. Images of football in the backyard, legos, trains, and lots of cuddles filled my mind.

We are so blessed I thought as we left the room with a handful of pictures of the little. Ben and I sat in the waiting room talking about names and what life with 2 little boys would be like. The one thing that we both knew in that moment was that we could not be more thankful for a healthy baby.

God is so good.

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