Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hi Santa

Visiting Santa has been a tradition since Drake's 1st Christmas. The first year Drake was only 5 months old and had no idea what was going on.

And then there  was last year.

You might remember that last year Santa did not go over so well.

Drake was a crying and scared mess.

I promised myself that no matter how much I would love a picture of Drake with Santa I would not make him sit on his lap or even go see him this year if he didn't want need to scare the kid even more.

We asked Drake if he wanted to see Santa and he seemed excited so we packed up the car, roped Ben's parents into going with us and off we went. Drake talked the big talk the whole way there, telling us what he was going to say, and how he was going to sit on Santa's lap and "no cry."

He talked the talk but we did not know if he would walk the walk. We had to wait in line and as we waited Drake kept saying "Go away kids, go away" because he wanted to be at the front of the line.

The big moment finally came. He took my hand and walked right up to Santa. "Hi Santa" he said with a big smile. I asked if he wanted to sit on his lap and he said he did.

He told Santa he wanted trains for Christmas (I hear that Santa has that covered) and even told him he would prefer Thomas Trains (I think Grandma and Grandpa and Nana and Papa are covering that for Santa).

And then we took what is to be the official Santa picture of 2011.

A few things about this photo

When did my baby grow up to look like such a handsome little boy?!?

I must have missed it.


I promise he was enjoying himself much more than this photo shows.

All in all I think we will call Santa visit 2011 a success. So much of a success that I may or may not have teared up watching my little boy act so big.

And for good measure....

I die of the cuteness of this picture.

I can only imagine how I'm going to feel next year as I watch my TWO little boys experience the magic that is Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Drake!!! He DOES look so grown up! Where did our babies go? Good thing we have a couple more on the way. :) Drake is always so stylish. Baby brother is going to be well equipped in the clothing department!
