Monday, October 17, 2011

Things I Don't Want to Forget

  • The way Drake will play with his cars quietly in bed for a good hour after lights out at night.

  • The other day Drake hit me and Ben told him that it was not nice to hit Momma. He looked at me with a smile and said "I gotcha Momma" Ben then told him again in a firmer voice it is not nice to hit. Drake looked right at Ben and said "Oh Geez" Ben and I then both lost it.

  • Drake got in Ben's car the other day and said " Messy Car Daddy" Sure enough there was stuff everywhere. Smart boy!

  • Every night before we start eating supper Drake says "Hands" and wants us all to hold hands and pray. Melts me heart.

  • Drake is positive the baby is a sister and her name will be Sucker.

  • He loves to sing along to songs and dance to any music.

  • The way he always says "sorry" if he gets hurt even if it is not his fault.

  • His love for jumping off the couch, coffee table, and down the stairs.

  • Seeing his face the first time we took him to the movie theatre.

  • How he says "Ready Guys?" before we go outside.

  • How he like to yell "Hi friends" when he sees the neighbor kids.

  • How he says "Excuse Me" at just the right times.

  • How he says "Thank You" and "Please" and really means it.

I'm so in love with that little boy and I just never, ever, ever want to forget the things that make my heart smile.