Monday, September 26, 2011

So You Want to Know about Baby #2?

Here is a quick rundown on what is going on with me and the Little!

  • I'm already in my second trimester! Can you believe I kept this a secret for you all for that long?!?

  • I've felt pretty awful, but feel like I might be turning the corner.

  • Drake either really likes talking about the baby or really hates it.

  • He also looked at the ultrasound picture and got all excited and asked "Baby Monkey?"  Poor kid wants a monkey and we give him a baby instead.

  • We are so thrilled and excited and about this pregnancy. We found about the Little 2 days before Ben got laid off from his job. This pregnancy has been such a happy distraction.

  • I've already got a little bump and have for a few weeks now.

  • This pregnancy is flying by!! I'm trying to enjoy every last second of it all while soaking up these last few months alone with Drake.

  • We will be finding out in about 7-8 weeks what we are having. Ben and I both could care less what it is, but are excited to give Little a name and start planning!

  • I think I'm having a boy, Ben thinks girl, and Drake thinks he is getting a sister.  Any guesses?

This little secret might explain my lack of blogging the last few months. I'm been just too plain tried to do anything much but lay in bed and do only the most necessary household chores. It already seems like the 2nd trimester is brining me lots of energy, so I should be around a bit more!


  1. I'm thinking it's a girl! Can't wait to happy you aren't annoying like us and keeping the sex a secret. :)

  2. Girl, I am so happy for y'all! Can't believe I'm just now getting around to a visit! Congratulations! I can't wait to see what you're having! Will be thinking and saying prayers for a wonderful pregnancy! Yay!

  3. Thank you so much! We are pretty excited :)
