Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fire F@&k

Drake loves trucks. He really, really loves trucks. He loves to play with them, read about them, talk about them, and point them out on the road. He loves trucks.

This really would not be a problem except for the fact that when he says the word 'truck' it does not sound like that. Drake says the word with more of an 'f' sound and the 'r' sound is very faint so his 'truck' sounds more like 'f$@k'.

I will give you a moment to process how strange this must sound coming out of a toddlers mouth.

I will now give you a moment to process how we laugh so, so, so hard when Drake says 'fire f$@k' over and over again.

I am sure with a little practice we will get 'truck' down, but for now I guess we will just be seeing lots and lots of 'f&@ks' as we drive down the roa


  1. LOL. I read this out loud to Chikezie and he chuckled too! Oh Drake. This reminds me of when I was little I used to make all my words start with the same letter. One day I was doing "f's" and my dad was giving me all these words to say out and finally he said "Say Duck!" And I was so excited by this point I yelled out the F word in Kentucky Fried Chicken. My parents were probably mortified lol

  2. That is the thing, I am just waiting for him to yell it out in church!

  3. HAHA! Oh goodness. My oldest daughter called trucks the same thing and my youngest daughter used that explitive rather than "frog." Needless to say we got some strange looks when she spotted one on a shelf at Build-A-Bear.

    My son is obsessed with trucks too, but he says "tuck." And since I already get plenty of crazy looks, I'm glad he has a wholesome mispronunciation. ;)

    And I have missed you! Hope you're doing well, mama. :)

  4. Ha! I love kids!!!
    Thanks for stopping by, I get your posts delivered to my inbox and love to keep up with you, however it makes me lazy about commenting!

  5. You just wait your turn is coming...x2 :)
