Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meet 2-Year-Old Drake

Let me introduce to you my 2-year-old boy. Isn't he so handsome?!?

He is so in love with all of his "friends" he spends hours playing with them. He loves to line them up, make them drive his trucks, and give them baths. In the last few weeks I have heard him really expand on his pretend play by making them talk to each other.

This kid has a heart of gold. He comes up and asks me at least once a day "You OK Momma?" just out of the blue. He reminds us every night to pray before we start eating dinner by yelling out "hands" so we stop and hold hands and pray together.  He loves to come up to you and say "tickle, tickle" as he tickles your tummy.  The best part? He freely gives big kisses and great hugs when asked. I love that.

He talks from the second he wakes up until the second he goes to bed. He has turned into quite the little eavesdropper and we often hear him repeating what we just said in a conversation we did not think he was listening to. He has started saying some very funny things, at very funny times. A few weeks ago we were out to eat and he turned around in the both and told the people behind us "I have 2 daddies." We have no idea where he got that, but we laughed and laughed.

At two he seems so big-he sleeps in a big bed, he plays nicely by himself, he is independent. Yet, he still holds on to some of his babyhood. We have not started working on potty training and probably will not until sometime this winter. He also still has his pacis. He loves them, I love them so they are sticking around for now.

He has also really started standing his ground. The other day he was in trouble for not listening and was in timeout. When 2 minutes were up, I went over and explained to him what he did wrong and asked him to tell me he was sorry. He refused. Instead he choose to sit quietly in time out for 20 minutes with a look of pure determination on his face. He wanted to win. And he did. Smart boy he is.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for picking us. We are so blessed this little boy landed in our life. Raising him has been the single greatest privilege of my life and I am so honored to be his Momma.


  1. Hello. Your son is so cute! I have been reading your blog for awhile now (along with a million others). I just wanted to tell you (and I hope I don't offend you), but my husband and I had our second son 4 weeks ago and we named him Drake. When I saw the name on your blog months and months ago I always thought it was a neat name. When I mentioned it to my husband he agreed. So thanks!! :-)

  2. Glad you like the name! We had SUCH a hard time coming up with a boy name so happy we could help you out :)

  3. Happy Birthday Drake! He is adorable and how cute is that that he asks you if you're ok on a regular basis? I love it!
