Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Catching Up

Well November is almost over (how?!?!) and I did not quite succeed
in posting everyday for 30 Days of Thankful. I'm going to cut myself some slack
and be happy with what I did post. It was such a fun project and I look forward
to doing something similar again next year!

December is shaping up to be a very busy month for us and I could
not be more excited. I love everything about the Christmas season and can't
wait to spend more time with friends and family.

In the last week or so Drake has started talking almost entirely
in full sentences! He has been pretty close to doing this for some time but
always left a word or 2 out. Not anymore! This boy has something to say about
everything. I spend a good chunk of my day laughing at the hilarious stuff that
comes out of his mouth!

Little Brother has a name. We have told family and some friends
but are keeping it to ourselves for now. Hint-It does NOT start with the letter
D! :) Real helpful right?!?

Speaking of Little Brother- I can't believe he will be here in 4
months! I'm so excited and also a little nervous. We pretty much have life down
as a family of 3, so I'm a little scared what throwing a newborn into the mix
will be like. I can't wait to snuggle a new baby and I really can't wait to see
Drake with his little brother.

That is it for now. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are
gearing up for the holidays!


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