Monday, September 12, 2011

Bye-Bye Paci

I can't believe I finally got up the courage to do it.  I have thought about it, talked about and thought about it some more until last Wednesday night when a moment of bravery came over me.

I walked into his room gathered his pacifiers, walked to the kitchen trash and threw them away. I then walked back upstairs, read Drake a book, tucked him in and when he asked "Pacis?!?" I simply told them they went bye-bye.

I left his room with my heart pounding and nervous feeling settling into my stomach. I ran to our bedroom to watch him on the video monitor. He was rubbing his blanket with his fingers and peacefully drifting off to sleep. My heart rate slowed but the nervous feeling stayed. I knew this was too good to be true, at any moment he would be waking up crying for them.

But he didn't. He didn't that night. He didn't the next day at nap time. He didn't the next night. He has not mentioned one single word about them. My little paci addicted boy was putting on a good show about his attachment to his much-loved pacis but he was fine without them. He was not even  giving it a second thought, all while I practically had to be rushed to the emergency room due to my panic over the situation.  Apparently he handles change a little better than his Momma!

In all seriousness he might have been addicted to those pacifiers, but I seriously had a love affair with them. I was the one who fed his addiction. Tired? How about a paci. Teeth hurt? Paci to the rescue? You hate life right now? This paci will help! Car ride to long and miserable and making you scream? Suck on this paci.

Oh how I loved those things...looks like I might be the one with the problem after all!



  1. Great realisation there. It always amazes me when we learn life lessons from the little ones.

  2. I am DREADING the day we have to give up the paci! I have absolutely fed the addiction, but they just work so well... so glad it went well for you :)
