Thursday, December 22, 2011

26 Weeks

Wow! Could time fly any faster?!? I am 26 weeks today and have less than 100 days to go!!

I've been feeling great and am really enjoying this pregnancy.

I failed my 1 hour glucose test a couple of weeks ago, so I'm going to have to suffer through the 3 hour test at my next appointment. As soon as Christmas is over I'm cutting back on my carbs and sugar to help my chances at passing the test. I might have been eating a lot of our Christmas cookies the week I took the 1 hr test ;).

Drake prays for the baby almost every night before bed and my heart just melts whenever he says it.

Little Brother's room is almost done. We did not have a lot to do since we are using the same room Drake was in when he was a baby. The room is so cute and I'm SO happy to be able to reuse it. I've added a few new things for this baby and will take pictures to show you all very soon.

The baby seems to have grown a lot in the past few weeks. I now feel like I have a head in ribs!  He seems to respond to me when I poke my stomach so I'm always trying to get him to move around in there for me!

Also did you know that there is such a thing as pregnancy induced asthma? I didn't either, but apparently there is and I have it. Thankfully it can be safely treated while pregnant to minimize the symptoms and goes away after the baby is born. Little Brother seems to already be giving me a run for my money!

We have really been trying to soak in our little family of 3 lately. We can't wait for Little Brother to get here, but are enjoying the last few months of our one-on-one time with his Big Brother. Drake seems to be enjoying all the family date nights, movies, and pizza parties we have been having lately!

ALSO, We decided on a name but are just sharing it with family and close friends. I will give you one clue though-It does not start with a D. Real helpful right?

1 comment:

  1. You look great!! Bummer about the 1 hour test, sending positive thoughts your way to pass the 3 hour.
