Thursday, August 18, 2011

You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

With school starting back up again next week,  I can't help but think about how in four short years my little boy will be starting a new chapter in his life as he walks into a kindergarten classroom.

Although it is still years away there is one thing that worries me more than anything else-bullying

Kids can be so mean.

So cruel.

So awful to each other.

I worry about for Drake.

I know that I will not always be able to protect Drake from bullies.

I know that it is important that he learns how to handle those situations.

I also pray that Drake will never be the bully.

That Ben and I teach him about self-esteem and kindness.

That he does not join in the bullying just because his friends do.

That he has the courage to stand up for other kids when they are being bullied.

But even though I have many worries, I also have so much hope.

I recently finished reading the book The Help and was struck by a phrase that is repeated over and over in the book-"You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

Words I want Drake to hear over and over and over until he believes that about himself.

Words that I want him to repeat to other people.

Words that have the power to change a child.


  1. I think this is something that everyone wants their kids to know. I don't want my boys to be bullied, but I certainly don't want them to be the ones doing the bullying, either!

  2. I have had more "you've got to be kidding me" moments since Lexie has been in school and activities then I can count. There have also been so many times she has been curled up in my arms while she cried and cried. Kids are beyond cruel and when it's brought to the parents attention 90% of the time it's ignored because they don't believe "their" child could do something like that. Kids are going to be cruel and it's up to the parents to monitor their children. Watch how they interact with others, watch how they speak to others. Even the nicest kids ever can get sucked in. I believe all children are good but they are children and they don't always make the right decisions. Parents need to be tuned into their children to make sure those bad decisions don't become habits. In saying that I fully believe that you and Ben will be amazing at making sure Drake is guided in the right direction in all aspects of his life :) Keep up the good work!!

  3. Love that quote from "The Help"...I so enjoyed reading that book. I need to get to the movies and see it while it's still in the theatres. :-)

  4. I can't wait to see the movie!
