Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where Does Time Go?

Does anybody else feel like time just flies by in the summer?!? How is it almost July already? I also feel like it is a lot harder to find time to blog in the summer. Anybody else feel this way? We have ice cream cones to eat and slides to go down and sun to soak up. So... if I seem to be lagging a little behind on blogging during the summer you know we are off doing something fun!

 Here are some of the fun things we have been up to.
Drake got Ben a bike trailer for Father's Day so we've been going for rides on the trails near our house.  I spent countless hours on my bike as a kid, so even to this day whenever I get on bike I kind of feel like a kid that feeling!  I think we found ourselves a new favorite family activity!!

This is what a banana, tons of goldfish crackers, a nutrigrain bar, a mini bagel and 2 pieces of pizza look like. My kid can pack away food like a linebacker. I'm really not sure how his little tummy can hold so much food, but it can and it does. He still does not have one ounce of fat on him because he burns off everything he eats the second he gets down from his highchair. Why isn't my metabolism like that? Unfair, huh?

And before I forget- Congrats to Gretta on winning the BandaBib
I will e-mail you Gretta!
Gretta said...I would like to have the black spot bandabib


  1. He looks so incredibly tickled after his sloppy meal! :)

  2. I have been feeling the same way about Blogging in the summer!! I keep trying to keep up, but the weather just makes you feel like being outdoors all the time!!! I love that picture of him with food all over his face!!

  3. Does he love the trailer? The girls love ours.

  4. Love that pic of him eating messy! He should try using Little Grips! They are great!
