Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend=Wedding, Wonderful & Water

This is what we did on our long weekend:
I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in a great friends wedding. Isn't she beautiful?

Drake stayed at my parents on Friday and Saturday night giving Ben and I some rare time as just "us".

Ben captured me in all my bridesmaid glory taking out all the bobby pins in my hair during the walk back to our hotel. If you have ever had an up due you know why I was in a hurry to get the pins out...my head HURT!

Drake was all ready for some pool time on Sunday!

In he goes!

The park is quickly becoming a family favorite and the perfect activity for a lazy Sunday night.

We took advantage of the beautiful day and our zoo pass on Monday to hit up the zoo! Drake was watching the train pull up as we waited for his first train ride.

Watching the seal show with Daddy.

I had to stop Drake from crawling right into the fountain. Can you tell that this baby just LOVES water?!?

We decided the perfect way to end to the long weekend was by playing in the fountain.

Don't you wish every weekend was a 3 day weekend? 


  1. i think that's almost a requirement upon leaving a reception...yanking out all the bobbypins! Glad you have a good weekend.

  2. Stopping by from SITS to say hi!

    I love weddings and you guys look like you had a blast! Don't you wish every day could be so special?

  3. Ma What's 4 dinnerJune 2, 2010 at 4:53 AM

    Drake gets cute and cuter every day. I'm kind of digging the bridesmaid duds! cute! My head hurts just thinking about those bobby pins!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  4. What a great weekend.

    And yes, I can totally relate to the bobby pin pain. For my wedding, I think that I pulled out like 50 of them. Shesh!

    Stopped by from SITS to say hi and welcome.

  5. I HATE bobby pins & will never understand why they have to be that tight in your hair!! Looks like a wonderful weekend!
