Friday, June 18, 2010


Guess what?!? Today I'm hosting my very first guest blogger and it is none other than my wonderful husband Ben!!! I asked him to write a post in honor of Father's Day and he pulled through with a great piece. I hope you enjoy his take on Fatherhood!
Katie asked me to write a post for her blog in honor of Father's Day. I was going to write about motherhood since that is what her blog is all about, but she insisted I make it about fatherhood. I by no means, claim to be an expert in early child development, child care or even knowing when or how much to feed the little goof ball. I have, with A LOT of help from Katie, raised the funniest, cutest, most full of life 10 month old I’ve ever seen in my life. I like to think I had a little bit to do with that. I thought I’d put together some of the things I think are most important.

1. Spend time with the whole family. Whether its just taking a walk around the block, a drive around town or playing on the floor, I can always tell the little guy is happy when we are all together, at least until its bed time.

2. Hanging with just the guys. Sometimes mom needs to have time to herself, that’s when we party. Sometimes we listen to “dad’s music” sometimes we read, and sometimes we watch TV (don’t tell Katie). These are some of my favorite times!

3. Mommy and Daddy time. Drake is lucky enough to have great grandparents, aunts and uncles, and neighbors who all enjoy watching him for a couple hours or even a whole day. I think its important for him to be around other people too, and not feel like he always needs us there with him. I think because we’ve had him spend time without us, he’s a lot more laid back around others. Its nice to have time with just my wife too!

4. Last but not least, I think its just as important for me to have time alone. This allows me to recharge. Sometimes it’s a bike ride or run in the morning, sometimes its just vegging out in front of the TV. Either way it lets me collect my thoughts and be able to give my family my complete attention the rest of the day.

Thank you for listening to my ramblings, I hope you enjoyed reading a different point of view.


  1. What a good idea! And I think it's fab he wants to make sure you have time for yourself. What a good husband!

  2. Ma What's 4 dinnerJune 18, 2010 at 7:17 AM

    You've got two great guys there!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  3. My husband & son listen to "dad's music" during their boys time too!

    Great guest post... I love hearing from the guys!

  4. That sounds like a fair enough balance to me. What a great guy, and how nice of him to post for you!
