Sunday, June 6, 2010


For those of you who know me, you know that I love memories. I love sitting with old friends and reliving our college days from the wild parties to the crazy crushes we had. I love talking with my childhood friends about all the great times we had playing house, catalog lady, Miss America, and ice storm ( if you can't tell we had some pretty wild imaginations). I love sitting around the dinner table with my parents and sisters and retelling our favorite stories for the millionth time. Plain and simple... I love memories.

This got me thinking about the kind of memories I hope Drake has to look back on. I have found in my experience that  you look back on major life events- graduation, your weddings and birth of your child with unforgettable memories, but for me it always has been some of the littlest things in life that holds the greatest memories.

You know what I'm talking about -summer days spent at the pool swimming until your skin was wrinkly and only taking a break when it was 10 minute adult swim, where you would sit on your towel and inhale your Snickers bar before it was time to jump in again. Summer nights spent riding your bike all over the neighborhood and pulling back in the driveway just as the streetlights flickered on. The taste of a chocolate star cookie, the kind you only make at Christmas, right out of the oven. The feeling of butterflies your first crush gave you and the unforgettable feeling of falling head-over-heels in love for the first time.

I truly believe that life is about living in the present but cherishing the past and nothing, and I mean nothing, can take you to your past like a good 'ol memory. I can't wait to help Drake build memories while adding to my own.

What are some memories you hope your child has of their childhood?


  1. I think that we got the placemat at Babies R Us. I love that thing & so does B; I can put his food on it so he can grab it & I know that it is clean because I am the one who cleaned it :)

  2. i completely agree! the memories i have from childhood are largely from summer break!
