Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This & That

I started P90X yesterday.  Have any of you been crazy brave enough to try it? What did you think? Did you see results? I actually thought the hour went super fast, but I felt like a huge loser because I could not do a pull-up to save my life so I did the modified moves with a resistance band. I'm also TERRIBLE at push-ups, I'm actually embarrassed at how awful I am!! Anyways, hopefully 90 days from now I will be seeing some great results!

I'm thinking of doing some sort of recipe exchange on my blog. I'm still trying to figure out all the details, but think it would a fun way to get some new recipes. We seem to be in a bit of food rut at our house and need some inspiration. What do you think? Is this something you would be interested in doing?

Remember how I told you Drake was getting his first 2 teeth in? They are cutting through right as we speak. He has been attached to his paci and just seems uncomfortable. We give him numbing gel and Tylenol or Motrin if he seems really uncomfortable, but he is not big into teethers so I'm at a lost for other ideas. So for all you moms who have been through teething, what are your tips to ease the discomfort a bit?

You all are the best! Thanks for your help with my million questions!!


  1. I've seen pics of other bloggers after they got done with P90x and I want to try it...but I can't do a pull-up either!

    When my boys were teething, they liked to chomp on frozen waffles. Weird, I know, but it worked.

  2. I've never heard of P90X! I'm so out of the loop I guess. We had good luck with homeopathic teething tablets. And my youngest likes the frozen teether rings.

  3. A wet wash cloth works like a charm. Also, and I know this one is strange, but a big carrot, frozen.

  4. Good for you woman! I have MEGA respect for you because that program looks so hard. Can't wait to read about your journey! Good luck, you can do it! Make us all jealous of your new super hot Momma bod!

    Oh and GG's teething AGAIN...I feel your pain, really I do!

  5. Ma What's 4 dinnerJune 9, 2010 at 4:22 AM

    I reccommend whisky, for you, not for Drake. Good luck kiddo! Um, what is P90x????

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  6. My husband bought P90X and he loves it! I like it but it kicks my butt! it does work, so far I have lost 10 lbs with it!

  7. My daughter's boyfriend is doing that and he has lost a ton of weight!

  8. I did P90X.
    I am happy I did it but I am not sure looking back if it was the right program for me. The biggest reason is I was seriously exhusted for 3 months and starving. Thus it gave me more opportunities to make bad decisions with eating. I think I was overtraining. I have since seen better results from doing a kettlebell class at my gym and then mixing in cardio and that is taking a lot less time. And I am not as dragging my ass tired either.
    I saw decent results and was really disciplined about doing it. It really becomes a way of life though. 6 days a week of an hour plus working out will obviously impact your daily schedule.
    But I was absolutely stronger in the end and had nice abs. I did it with Matt and wouldn't have made it if I didn't have him making me finish sets or get my butt of the couch to work out. That is my rambling on the subject!
