Sunday, June 13, 2010

What We are Loving Right Now

Way back in November I wrote a favorite things post, while we still do love some of those items we have lots of new loves- baby and non-baby related.

The Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller
We LOVE this stroller. We had a Chicco travel system when Drake was first born, and although we liked the convenience of being able to just snap his infant carrier in we hated the bulk that the stroller was. This stroller is lightweight, comfy and fits compactly into our cars. I just found out that it has a infant car seat adaptor, so I'm think we might just go that route when we have another baby. Oh yeah, it earned extra points from me because the handle bar is comfortable for me to push. I'm pretty tall so a lot of lighter weight strollers are too short for me.

Dirt Devil Steam Mop
I just bought this about a month ago to clean our linoleum kitchen floor. I was using a swifter before, but felt like it always left my floor sticky and I was not liking Drake crawling around on all those chemicals. I was flipping trough the channels one night on TV and saw this on the home shopping network. After being pretty impressed with the demo I did some research online and found it even cheaper on Amazon(I still have a love affair with amazon, I really can't help it). It was so gross the first time I used it, the pad was totally covered in dirt and grime. I love that my floors feel super clean when I get done using it!

Fisher Price Seahorse
Drake loves his Sandy the Seahorse (they were sold out of blue and boys can have pink, right?) so much!  Sandy has saved us from many night time meltdowns. With one push of her tummy she lights up and plays music for 5 minutes. When we were working with Drake on going back to sleep himself, we would go in and rub his back for a few seconds and put Sandy on, very rarely would he ever be crying by the time Sandy was done playing music. Drake now knows how to turn Sandy on himself and it is not uncommon to hear her playing at 5am as he puts himself back to sleep!

Carters Pajamas
I  do not consider myself a brand snob, I have my favorite stores but like to get the best deal and tend to shop sales. However, when it come to pajamas Drake must have Carters! There is nothing like a fresh washed baby all dewy from a bath wearing a cute pair of alligator pjs!  I also love the fact that they hold up so well! I put a clean pair of pjs on Drake every night so ours have been washed a million times and still look and feel like new.
In this post last week I told you all that I've started P90X. For those of you that don't know,  it is a workout program(done at home) that uses a combination of resistance training, cardio, and stretches to shock and change your body. I love the variety the workout provides and the motivation it gives me to make healthy eating choices throughout the rest of the day. I'm hoping to be more toned (maybe actually have some abs again) and hopefully loose those last few pesky pounds with the program.

Nikon D3000
I think the only bad thing about this camera is that we did not buy it sooner. We got the camera right after Drake turned 4 months old and have so enjoyed the quality of picture this camera has given us. Ben and I both still have a lot to to learn about all the features and would like to take a photography class soon, but couldn't have been happier with the user friendliness for novice photographers like us. We take it everywhere we go so we are sure to capture every small and big moment we can in Drake's life. I truly believe nothing tells a story like a picture and a great camera helps tell that story just a little bit better. If you are on the fence about buying a DSLR I say go for it, it will be some of the best money you ever spend!

So those are the things we love right now! What are some of your favorites at the moment?


  1. Ma What's 4 dinnerJune 14, 2010 at 4:52 AM

    I want that steam mop!!!!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  2. Everywhere I turn, I'm hearing about that exercise program! I have a couple rather tall mom friends who have told me they base a lot of their stroller decision on the comfort factor, like you said.

  3. I might have to look into that steam mop! Thanks for posting! We love Carter's Pajamas too! Speaking of bedtime...I just picked up some new sheets for Laila's crib at Pottery Barn for summertime....LOVE PB sheets!!

  4. I will have to make a blog post about our favorites. One thing I don't like though is P90X - but that's just cause I'm lazy! :-D
