Monday, June 21, 2010


Changes are happening at our house faster than I can keep you all updated on! First steps, learning how to clap and a first tooth all happened in the last week. We have a busy boy on our hands!

First Steps
Guess who decided to take his first steps on Thursday afternoon?!?! Our little guy let go of my fingers and took two steps!! He was so proud of himself that he started clapping and yelling YAY over and over until he fell down. He has done it 2 more times since Thursday and is a little more confident each time. Looks like walking is just around the corner!

Since Drake learned how to clap last week he has not stopped! He claps when music plays, when he is excited, when he is proud of himself and when he wants attention. Pretty much if you name it he thinks it is worthy of a clap!
First Tooth
After 7 months of  teething Mr. Drake's  first tooth has broken through with another one almost ready to pop up!! I can't even imagine my toothless boy with teeth!!

No you will not see any teeth in this picture. I will probably never have a picture of his teeth because
he freaks out whenever I try to take a look. I just loved this picture and needed an excuse to use it so this is the excuse! 

In other news I'm the crazy Mom who sent the 1st Birthday invites out 6 weeks before the party. I just got too excited and could not wait one more second to mail them out. Crazy I told you, but you already knew that since I already have his birthday outfit, presents and decorations. The early bird gets the worm, right?


  1. Isn't the clapping the best? My kid claps for everything that we do "correctly". Kills me every time.

  2. Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day to say Hello! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Clapping is my favorite thing that B does so far; it is just thesweetest thing I have ever seen!

  4. Drake! You're huge!

  5. Ma What's 4 dinnerJune 22, 2010 at 4:49 AM

    Watch out for those teeth! They chomp down fast and hard!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  6. Congratulations! Remember to Catch The Tooth Fairy in the act for FREE. Enter coupon code "fairy-proof". In 3 simple steps anyone can upload a photo, add the Tooth Fairy, and print it out or share it via Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. Imagine the look of wonder and surprise when a child receives a photo of the Tooth Fairy caught in their room.

  7. I'm always way ahead of time with stuff like that, too. And now that he's started with teeth, they'll probably keep rolling on in. Is he handling them alright?

  8. aww. these times are precious and so exciting. Congrats! BTW, thanks for stopping by on my SITS day and for the follow!
