Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What Would You Do?

Pretend that you are checking out at the local grocery store with your 10 month old baby in your arms. The cashier at this particular lane has been talking to your baby the whole time, and your baby being the social butterfly that he is has been playing along nicely "talking" and smiling back. During one of those smiles, the cashier gets a glimpse of what appears to be teeth trying to push through the baby's bottom gums. She decides to take a closer look and says "Are those teeth I see in there" as she takes her finger and pulls down on the baby's lip to get a better look.

Would you:
A) Politely tell her to get her hand that has been touching money, shopping carts, and who know what else out of your baby's mouth
B) Walk away as fast as you could
C) Ask her what in the hell she doing
D) Just stand there pretending it did not happen and therefore giving her enough time to kiss the baby's feet

If you answered A, B, or C those are probably the right answers.

But if you are me you pick D and then spend the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out why they don't make the equivalent of hand sanitizer for your mouth.


  1. Echo @ Sweetwater CreekJune 15, 2010 at 3:15 PM

    I would have done E. Had a complete psychotic break because some stranger stuck their (possibly) gross hand in my kids mouth. And then gone home and spent the rest of the afternoon reading over the police report while wondering if Hallmark makes "sorry I broke your arm in 4 places" card.

  2. I probably would have done the same as you b/c I would have been too shocked to do anything else.

  3. OK, that is so NOT funny, yet it was so cute how you told the story! That is awful, though! What was she thinking?!?

  4. I would've gone D too, because I've got no balls. But then I'd spend the next few days ruminating about it, kicking myself for not saying something, and then coming up with smart & witty comebacks "for next time". Story of my life ...

  5. I'd be yanking the baby back so fast! But I would have been caught way off guard by that!

  6. Ma What's 4 dinnerJune 16, 2010 at 5:27 AM

    I'm speechless. Who the hell sticks their fingers in a baby's mouth?????

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?

  7. Hi there!
    I'm your newest follower! I would have done the same as you as well...and really, it's was too late once the damage was done! Although perhaps you could have spared another mother the same incident in the future!
    Kate @ This Mom Loves

  8. In my mind and an ideal world - I would have done C. But in reality, like you, I would have done D. And kicked myself for the next month.

  9. Let me guess the same one you were telling me about that also wanted to pick him up? One word - inappropriate!
