Thursday, June 24, 2010

Random Thursday Thoughs

  • I fed Drake a Pop Tart for lunch. Do you think there is any nutrition of any kind in those things? It's probably just like feeding you kid pure sugar. At least he enjoyed it and it gave me time to put the groceries away. :)
  • I just bought my last container of formula for Drake. I'm thinking what used to be formula money should now be clothes money for Momma...good idea, huh?
  • We are thinking about getting rid of cable. We don't watch much TV in the summer and it seems like you can watch pretty much any TV show online now. Problem will come in the fall when our beloved Hawkeyes play on The Big Ten Network and we need cable to watch them pay. Maybe we will just cut back on or package and get rid of the DVR.
  • I grew up in a super small town.  There were about 1,200 people and not a single stoplight. I'm thinking I should write a post about small town living. Any of you grow up in a small town?
  • I really want to take a photography class. I am in LOVE with my new camera and would like to be able to use all the settings on it. I'm thinking this would be good project for the fall.
  • I'm super excited about some pretty amazing things that are coming up for this blog. I've had the opportunity to work on some great projects that I can't wait to share with you all soon.
  • Speaking of this blog, I'm going on vacation in a couple of weeks and have some of my blog friends running the blog for me with their guests post while I'm away. I think you will love what they have in store for you!!


  1. I'm from a small town too. Not that small though, but small!

  2. You can ALWAYS go to your parents house for the away FB games and not to be picky but the town you grew up in has 1,500 people!!!!!
    Luv ya!!!!

  3. Echo @ Sweetwater CreekJune 24, 2010 at 6:10 PM

    Pop-Tarts - Trust me, if these were bad, I would be the worst mother on the PLANET. Lil' Bro loves them! But, when I can, I get the ones without the frosting on top. Oh well.

    Formula - Congrats on being done with that god-awful sticky stuff.

    Cable - Cut it off. Turn it back on for the game. It's not like they can tell you you CAN'T do that. Haha. I found it hard to live without DVR, so we do without completely.

    Small Town - I think you should do a "small town blog hop". Every town I've ever lived in was a small town. Like no stop lights. Like it's perfectly common to get behind a horse. Like your worst traffic jam is a John Deere combine. I'd write with you.

    You should take the photography class. I'm sure you'd enjoy it!

    Can't wait to see what you (and friends) have in store for us!


  4. Poptarts = fruit. Right?

  5. Ma What's 4 dinnerJune 25, 2010 at 4:44 AM

    Sometimes you just gotta give the kid a poptart and feel good about it! Did you know that you are one of my favorite blogs around? Well, you are! And you prove it I've got a little somethin' somethin' for you over at my place today. Swing on by and take a look.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  6. All I know is small towns! Great!

    I came across another great blog today check it out:

  7. Craig's hometown is that small AND has no stoplight! Too funny!

    Dropping that formula charge is HUGE. I think you've more than deserved it - go buy some clothes!

    I just added your button to my blogroll.
