Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yesterday my baby turned 10 months old. 10.Months.Old. I could repeat it a hundred times and still not believe that my little guy is much closer to a toddler now than a baby. You know how we celebrate the big 1-0 ? By getting his hair cut.

 ::pause for a moment for massive amounts of crying from me::

Ben convinced me that Drake looked like he was growing a mullet and that no son of his would have the "business in the front and party in the back" hairstyle. Drake's hair was not growing out evenly in the back so I could kinda see how Ben might think it looked a bit like a mullet, so I finally agreed we could cut his hair if and only if I could take him to my stylist. Yes, Drake had his hair cut at an Aveda salon. I trusted my stylist to not do anything too drastic and trim him up without making him look all fresh haircutish ( I just invented a new word).

Drake in all his pre-cut mullet glory!

No more mullet!!

Where are your eyes Drake?

A clean cut boy!

Sitting so nice.

Drake pretty much loved the whole haircut experience

The best part of the new cut? It makes for some pretty awesome baby lotion hairstyles!

Side note: I also noticed that Drake's 2 bottom teeth are dangerously close to breaking through. Like, I can see white on the very tops of his gums close. So it looks like sometime in his 10th month our little toothless boy will be sporting a toothy grin.


Growing up seems to be way harder on the momma than the baby in our house!


  1. Oh my gosh. I have a feeling this is coming my way too... and my little guy is only 6 months! I agree with you about not wanting him to look too little boy haircuty... I'm not ready for that! Looks like your stylist did a good job.

  2. Katie, he's just precious! Ten months is hard to believe isn't it? Means it won't be long before they're exiting the baby stage and entering toddlerhood (umm, is that even a word?). Anyway, Happy 10 months to your little man. Oh and what's wrong with a little business in the front and party in the back? It's a popular hairstyle here in Alabama! Haha! Happy Thursday, girl!

  3. he did so well! i think mullets are the monkey on the back for every infant's parents.

  4. I'm loving his baby lotion hairstyles, very snazzy! Happy Saturday Sharefest. Em x

  5. Ma What's 4 dinnerJune 5, 2010 at 5:25 AM

    Oh the hair cut. My kids still hate them. He looks so cute!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  6. Save the Date for CupcakesJune 6, 2010 at 9:23 AM

    Aww~ he looks so cute with his new hair cut!

    Stoppin by from SITS;o)
