Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Another Round of What Would You Do

Last week I was out shopping with Drake when I noticed Baby Gap was having an amazing sale- 40% off all sale items!!! Loving Baby Gap the way I do, I just had to stop in and check out the deals.
I was browsing in the little boys section for some fall clothes for Drake. (Side note: Drake is a giant and will be wearing 2T pants this fall. I love the person who came up with adjustable waist pants, otherwise my skinny, tall boy would have to be wearing capris all winter) All of the sudden I see the sales associate approach Drake with a concerned look on her face. She crouches down and grabs a jacket Drake must have snatched off the rack and was about ready to put in his mouth and says "Oh no!! We do not put jackets into our mouth!! Somebody is going to want to buy this!" in a tone of disgust and marches off. I of course couldn't think of anything to say in response and stood there like a mute just staring at her.
Just to clarify, I don't go into stores and let me son chew on clothing. I was looking at the clothes and did not realize what he was doing. My issue is this lady was scolding my son, who by the way, has no idea what you are saying, when the comment was obviously directed at me. I'm pretty sure she was annoyed that he kept touching and pulling clothes off the rack (that I of course picked up and put back.)
Have you been to Baby Gap lately? At least at my store, there is not a single place to put a stroller that your baby would not be able to touch some sort of clothing since the aisles are so narrow.

So I want to know your honest opinion.
What should I have done?
Was I in the wrong for letting him touch the clothes in the first place


  1. Talk about an overreaction!!! Kids will be kids and it wasn't anybody's fault that he did it. She could have said something very cutesy or joking in order to call your attention to it,in which case you would have stopped it anyhow. Sheesh, what a crank!

  2. W.O.W.

    That lady should have said something to you, in a nice wsy, like, "I think he might be trying to taste that jacket" with a laugh.

  3. You most certainly were not in the wrong!

    What a witch!

  4. Echo @ Barely MommyJune 30, 2010 at 12:59 PM

    "Oh no, we DO NOT reprimand other women's children unless we want our nose broken."

    You were not in the wrong. I would have simply snatched the jacket back out of her hands, given it to my child and politely told her to back the hell off. Then as I was leaving, I would have made sure to ask if there was a manager's number or customer service number I could have. That's just me, though.

  5. Kids acting like kids in a kid's store. Wow, what a crime!

    Good grief, that woman needs to find a new job!

  6. Ma What's 4 dinnerJuly 1, 2010 at 4:16 AM

    Talk about stepping on others to try and make yourself feel better about your lot in life.

    Jeez, get a grip lady. Not my fault your life sucks...

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  7. Wow, she definitely overreacted. I'm with Liz & Echo - she had no place, and if she was concerned, she could have handled it much better. I mean, REALLY??! He's ELEVEN months old!!! She definitely needs a different job, far from children.
