Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Need a Pause Button-Drake at 9 Months

"Enjoy every second, they grow up way too fast!" What new mom has not heard that statement countless times from well meaning family, friends, and even strangers?

Turns out it is true, because I just had a newborn and now all of the sudden I have a 9 month old!

A fun, energetic, adorable 9 month old. Drake's personality has really come out this last month as he is becoming more independent, brave, and adventuress.

Here are a few things Drake is doing at 9 months:
• He loves crawling after Skinner and away from Momma and Daddy
• Pulls himself up on EVERYTHING
• Prefers to feed himself and is so over baby food
• Mimics what we do
• Sleeps from 7:00 pm - 6:30 am
• Weighs 20.5 lbs and is 29 1/2 inches long
• Loves being outside
• Enjoys hearing his own voice so he yells a lot, usually saying dada dada over and over
• Waves hi and bye... usually 2 minutes after the event occurs
• Sticks his tongue out and thinks it is the funniest thing ever
• Get so excited when he sees Ben or me come through the door

I am enjoying this age SO much that I really do wish that I could pause time for a bit and make it last just a little longer.


  1. Nine months is when they reach that pivotal "they've been out of your belly as long as they were in" time. I think it's kinda monumental in a way.

  2. bbcd mama - I've never thought of that before!

    Oh my, every single day I hug and hold my girl and wish with all my heart that I could pause right now and enjoy her right here a bit longer. I'm sure I will feel that way at every stage though.

    It makes me want to cry to think how quickly they grow up!

  3. So cute! He looks so grown up (sigh) in that pic with the polo shirt. Happy 9 months! Isn't this a great age? But like you I think they grow up just a little too quickly!

  4. i think i say this every time you post pictures, but i'll say it again. HOLY CRAP, HE IS CUTE. honestly. and stylish too!

    and yea, time goes by way too fast.
