Friday, April 30, 2010

And the Theme Will Be...

Yep, we decided on a theme for Drake's first birthday party. I know that we are still 3 months away from the big day, but the being the planner I am, I just had to get started. I also know that Drake is not going to remember the cake or decorations or the theme, but I still wanted it to be about him and be something he will like.
It did no take me long to decide that puppies would be the theme, because after all Drake is Skinner's biggest fan. You can often find Drake loving on Skinner, sharing his snacks with him, and chasing him around everywhere. I have lots of fun ideas for the party and can't wait to start planning!

What theme did/are you using for your baby's 1st  Birthday?!? Any tips to make the party run smoothly?


  1. we did a generic first birthday theme with lots of bright, primary colors...nothing too special. What we did do for food, and I thought it was a huge hit, was did grilled cheese sandwiches and soup. Keep in mind this is the middle of January, but it was perfect and kind of "kid" oriented. We had 3 types of soup, and who doesn't love a grilled cheese :) Other than that, we just had lots of fun.

  2. I'm getting ready for GG's first b'day party too. Don't know what I'm doing quite yet, but looking forward to reading everyone's tips on how to make it run smoothly! Happy weekend!

  3. We have yet to decide what the theme will be (his b-day isn't until 8/3) but I am actually working on that this weekend......YEAH!

  4. Sounds like a great theme :) You have a beautiful baby! I am stopping by from SITS!

  5. For both my kids, the first bday was a bit overwhelming. lost of people and attention. So while it was fun, my son slept threw the second half of his. He had already done the cake and presents. It was fun still!

  6. Hey, stopping by from SITS - what adorable pictures! Sounds like a puppy theme will be perfect!

    Your blog is adorable. I hope you get a chance to stop by mine =]

  7. We just had cake, nothing fancy. Like you said he's not going to remember it anyway. But I got some great pictures with cake all over his face. :)

  8. I failed miserably with my kids. Really didn't host that many birthday parties. Isn't that awful? I had a friend though who was phenomenal and made the most fantastic cakes. So, I won't be of any help to you. BUT i can tell you you have a cute blog. Will that work?
    have a great SITS sunday!

  9. That would be such a fun & cute birthday party! Love the pictures of your boy and your dog. Reminds me so much of when we still have our pug, my son used to be all over that poor dog LOL.

    Happy SITS Sunday :)

  10. Ma What's 4 dinnerMay 2, 2010 at 4:22 PM

    Great idea. Puppies and babies, you can't go wrong. I'm not sure about where you live but where I used to live in LA they acutally had puppy parties where this guy brought actual puppies to the party for the kids to play with. Now, I'm not sure what the guy does with the pups when they're not so little anymore, but it does make for a hell of a good party! Good luck.

    Thanks for coming by and making my SITS day such a wonderful experience! Your time and words mean the world to me.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  11. SO CUTE.

    and we did the whole sesame street thing. i have little ones that are so obsessed with elmo.
