Sunday, May 16, 2010

My First Video Blog

I wanted opinions on Drake's hair and thought that a video blog would be the best way to go so you could actually see his hair a little better.

So here it very first video blog!


  1. That was cute! I don't have boys, but I agree - as soon as a little boy's hair is cut, they immediately look like a BIG boy! If it were me, I'd just trim the stuff on his forehead so it isn't in his eyes, and then let it grow more.

  2. Katie,
    Drake is super cute even with the long hair. Let me share my experience with boys hair. I dreaded the first hair cuts, but after it was done and over with, I loved it. Yes-they do look older but it grows back:) One of my boys gets this nest thing going on with his hair if it gets too long, and since I like his long as soon as it reaches that stage we get it cut. Just wait until he is five, then they decide to cut their own hair...right before family pictures.

  3. So cute!! I am visiting you from Blog Party 2010, nice to meet you!
    I hope you join my Meetup Monday!!!

  4. Just found your blog through D-listed blogs. Im your newest follower!
    Oh I cried like crazy when I got my son his first hair cut. He went from baby to instant little man. I however loved his hair once I got used to it. I would trim it up some but not a lot!

  5. Cute video :) Newest follower!! I felt so sad when my son got his first haircut, he immediately looked so grown up! :)

  6. Holy crap, you two are CUTE! I still haven't cut my son's hair and I kinda, sorta dread the day that I have to. When I do, I'll probably just trim it up a little - there's certainly no need to grow up all fast. ;)
