Thursday, May 13, 2010

Some Random Thoughts

I have lots of  little thoughts running through my head, so you know what that means....random thought post!

  • If you have a blog please leave a link in the comments section of this post. I really want to try and do a better job of visiting people who visit me. I have found some of my favorite blogs this way in the past and I can't wait to see what else is out there!
  • I'm in love with the create your own Fraps at Starbucks and even more in love with the half price happy hour they are running this week from 3-5!!
  • I have a lot of giveaways lined up so for the foreseeable future Wednesday will be giveaway day. I know there are split feeling on giveaways, you either love or hate them. Either way, please know that  do not agree to do reviews or giveaways of everything that come my way. I only do it if I truly believe it is a product that my family would use and you my readers would love.
  • Drake's new favorite place to hide is in  Ben's clothes in the closet. Bet you are SUPER jealous of my husband's Hawaiian shirt, aren't you?!?
  • I hate mayonnaise, like really hate it. I hate it so much that I don't even like touching the jar. What food do you hate?
  • I've been working on a few blog updates and was successful at making some stand alone pages, but can't for the life of me figure out how to "pretty" them up, so it looks like a call to my blog designer is in order! The end result should be a cleaner looking blog that is easier to navigate.
I think I succeeded on making a total random post!


  1. An Imperfect New MommaMay 13, 2010 at 3:25 PM

    Stopping by from SITS. I know what you mean about the food thing...I hate Peanut Butter. Ugh. I wanna gag just thinking about it. LOL. I thought I was the only one who did random posts! :o)

  2. Ma What's 4 dinnerMay 13, 2010 at 3:27 PM

    I love mayonnaise. I do. I hate touching ketchup though. Freaks me out. Not the bottle, the actual ketchup. We're so weird! I love it.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's for Dinner

  3. I read your blog and follow through GFC. Id love for you to visit my blog - - we have a great giveaway going and more to come soon.

  4. Not sure how I feel about giveaways. I'd do one, but never have anything to give away. LOL. Unless someone wants my old crap. HAHA! I hate the syrup jar. So sticky!! I also kinda hate touching raw meat (even if it is in a package). Makes me feel icky.

  5. Fish. I. Hate. Fish. I can't even smell it or I gag. It's sad too because Chikezie loves salmon. And because we have so much good sushi places here in Southern Cali. Oh well.

  6. I feel ya on the hating something so much you don't even want to touch the jar. For me its pickles. I can taste the 'ickiness' (cuz a lot of ppl love them) from outside of the jar!

  7. Hi. I don't really have a food I hate, but I do have a phobia of spoiled food, particularly dairy foods. It's super irrational. Like if a yogurt cup is past it's expiration date, I freak out carrying it to the trash can. Heaven forbid I have to pour out spoiled milk! I have chills just thinking about it.

  8. you definitely succeeded in "random". lol. i'm the same way with mayonnaise. my honey eats it on his sandwiches and i can't stand to touch it because i don't want my hands to smell like it.


    other than that, i'm pretty normal. haha.

    and you can stop by my blog anytime! i found your blog the other day, i don't even remember how. lol. but i'm subscribed and read every time you post!

    -miss e.

  9. visiting from SITS :)

    love me some random thoughts. those are some of my favorite posts to read! and mayonaise is of the devil.....

  10. I am the same way with ketchup. Don't want to touch it. Gross! I'm trying not to give it to my boys so that I don't have to rinse it off their plates. YUCK!

    Thanks for stopping by my SITS day on Monday!

  11. Whatever Dee-Dee wantsMay 15, 2010 at 6:35 AM

    My little boy loves to play in the closet too :)
    Make your own fraps? How did I not know this?

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  12. From someone who considers herself saucy, let me say I think you and your sassy family are adorable. I think we have a lot in common - with the exception that my go to drink is vodka as opposed to wine. If you'd like to check out my quest to balance work, family and everything inbetween, stop by
    Happy SITS Sharefest!

  13. Hi there.
    Stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest to say hello.
    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  14. I don't like mayonnaise either - and if you want to buy a sandwich, so many of them seem to think it's an essential ingredient :(

  15. Love the part about your husbands Hawaiian shirt. What is the deal with men and these shirts? My husband has several and wears them with pride, it drives me crazy! We will be having a garage sale soon and I'm hoping he won't notice that I slip a few in.

  16. Love the part about your husbands Hawaiian shirt. What is the deal with men and these shirts? My husband has several and wears them with pride, it drives me crazy! We will be having a garage sale soon and I'm hoping he won't notice that I slip a few in.

  17. Found you through D-Listed! Great blog! I love it!

  18. I'm in love with Starbuck's Happy Hour too!

    Found you on D-List ... will definitely be back :)

  19. I seriously wish Starbucks had happy hour WAY more often! And whaddya know? I hate mayo too! Blech!

    You totally succeeded on the randomness. And I LOVED it!
