Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who Wants to Party Like a Rockstar?

So I'm probably the last person to post my official D-List welcome post, but better late than never right?!? If you are visiting from the D-List WELCOME and if you don't know what the D-List is check it out here.

Now that we have the official business taken care of we can get this party started! I'm Katie and in case you could not figure it out from the title of my blog I'm sassy, silly and spunky! My son Drake is 9 months old and  pretty much the most awesome thing to ever happen to me. Did I also mention that Drake is a rockstar? Because he is and these pictures prove it:

He has a best friend, our dog. He sticks his hand in Skinner's mouth, climbs on him, and pretty much spends his days thinking he is a dog.
He has many hobbies including growing his own flowers
He is way too cool for baby food and  prefers the gourmet choice... mac and cheese

Most importantly he dresses the part. What rockstar doesn't wear motorcycle rain boots?

Oh yeah, he also does his own stunts like face dive out of a highchair, but that is a story for another day.

Thanks for stopping by and remember...Always party like a rockstar!

1 comment:

  1. Ma What's 4 dinnerMay 20, 2010 at 1:05 PM

    If you could get that high chair face dive on tape it might be worth something at America's Funniest Videos!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner
