Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Parents of the Year

I'm pretty sure Parents of  the Year is a award Ben and I will not be winning anytime soon. You see the Parents of the Year would always buckle their baby into the highchair no matter what. They would not throw him in the highchair and leave him unbuckled while he ate some cut up bananas, even if they were enjoying their dinner right beside him. Nope the Parents of the Year would not do that, but we would. This is a story about our first big parenting fail and the awfulness that followed.

It was like any other Monday night supper, Drake was in his highchair(unbuckled) Ben was sitting right beside him and I was beside Ben. After slaving away for hours minutes making my gourmet meal of Hamburger Helper (admit it, you love it just as much as I do) we just sat down to enjoy our supper when Ben noticed we were out of napkins. He got up and walked the 5 steps to the paper towel holder to grab a makeshift napkin. As he is doing that I'm in my own little world eating my supper when all the sudden I hear Skinner run away and Drake land on the ground with a giant THUMP. All is silent while Ben and I look around to see what the commotion is and I notice Drake is not in his highchair. At the exact moment I jump out of my chair and run to scoop him up he starts screaming. My heart broke into a million tiny pieces as I tried to comfort my poor baby. He screamed for about 4 minutes an awful scream...the kind of scream where he could not catch his breath.

Sidenote: Since neither Ben or I actually saw it happen we are not for sure exactly how he fell out, but from what we can piece together we think that Drake was leaning out of the side of his highchair to try and pet Skinner when he leaned too far and tumbled out. We also think that he actually landed on top of Skinner which scared Skinner and made him take off and Drake landed on the  floor. Poor Skinner unknowingly took one for the team!

 Ben and I wanted to get him calmed down so we decided to give him a bath, his very favorite activity. As soon as we started to undress him he calmed down. We had him crawl to his bath like we do every night so we could see if he was in any pain when he crawled. As I gave Drake a bath, Ben called Dr. Papa(my dad) for advice. He told us the warning signs of concussions and said we should check on him several times during then night to make sure he did not throw up. Most of all Dr. Papa reassured us that this kind of stuff happens all the time and kids are built to withstand it. Drake was his old self as soon as he hit the tub and showed no signs of any injury the rest of the night or the following days.

Ben put Drake to bed that night and I sat on the couch and cried for the horrible guilt I felt for such a careless accident to happen to our son. I'm very conscious of all things safety related when it comes to Drake and felt so awful that we had thought that he would be OK not buckled in his chair since he was right beside us.  I know part of being a parent is making mistakes and even though this was our first major parenting mistake it will not be our last. I also know that we learned an important lesson and we will never make the same mistake again!

Oh yeah, I also know we will not be winning any parenting awards anytime soon, and I'm OK with that because we are learning as we go and that is what parenting is all about, right?

What is the worst parenting mistake you have made?


  1. Oh, I can imagine how you must have felt! Yikes, come to think of it I've never actually strapped Mace into his highchair, either. I guess I'm next in line for "not getting parent of the year" award.

    The worst parenting mistake I've made thus-far was when Mason was only 11 days old. I gave him HORRIBLE HORRIBLE heatrash from dressing him up too warmly (in the middle of August). When I say horrible, I mean HORRIBLE. It was worse than any pic I could find on Google! OMG, that poor baby looked like he was wearing a red onesie. I felt terrible, but in hindsight, WTF was I thinking? I had him sleeping in a newborn cap, a onesie, sleeper, and a swaddling blanket. In August. And when I took him for walks around the neighborhood, I bundled him up in thick sweaters and blankets. In August.

    Yeesh. I'll be lucky if they don't revoke my parenting license.

    So take care .. I'm sure there are lots of stories of "not parent of the year" from your other readers!

  2. Andra-
    Glad I'm not alone!! Like you said the worst part is WHAT were we thinking in the first place?!?!

    Yep, better start buckling your son in. Drake showed no signs of ever wanting to get out of the highchair before the accident, it was like all or nothing for that kid!

  3. Dude. The guilt is a killer.

    My worst mistake was when Oliver was about 4 months old and we drove home from Walmart (about 10 minutes away) and once we got home realized that he wasn't buckled in. We had been carrying him around the store and then I guess didn't notice since it was still wintry weather and he had a big blanket over him. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention... we almost hit a dang deer on the way home too... slammed brakes, a little swerve. With the baby not strapped into his seat.

    Oh, hai Guilt! Sit & stay a while! Would you like some tea? It's really bitter!

  4. I haven't been a mommy long enough yet BUT I did have a big "oops" when babysitting the triplets when I was a teenager. Bryce was on the changing table and I leaned underneath to get a diaper and he rolled off! I was standing RIGHT there...and I caught him by the leg upside down lol just as his head bonked the floor. I think he cried more because it startled him - I didn't tell my mom for years because I felt so bad lol!

  5. Ma What's 4 dinnerMay 26, 2010 at 5:21 AM

    You and Britney girl! Don't worry, don't feel bad, you've made it this far right? I can't even begin to count all the dumb things I've done over the past 5 1/2 years. Most recently I watched in horror as I let my 17 month old get knocked down the back deck stairs by the dog and pretty much crack his head open, he didn't need stitches, but trust me, it's just a matter of time! I'm just happy when I get through the day and all 3 of them are well fed, clean and alive!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  6. we've all been there, the mommy guilt is overwhelming isn't it.
    With 3 kids I've done my fair share of damage but here is one thing that sticks out in my mind
    stopping by from SITS

  7. maddie's in a booster now, and she climbs up all quiet and i'll find her there. it scares me, too. and she's already given herself a concussion! couldn't sit up or walk straight. FREA-KY!

  8. There are many mistakes I've made as a parent, the worst one being buying a cheap stroller, it catching on the curb of a sidewalk and tipping over on my DS' while his face hit the ground, I felt super aweful for the rest of the day and into the next couple.
