Friday, May 21, 2010


Last week I told you I hate mayonnaise and was surprised about the number of you that hate ketchup...YUM!! Anyways, that got me thinking how one person's trash(mayonnaise) can be another persons treasure. For some reason I always enjoy hearing about odd things people like or dislike. Here are a few of mine:
  • JELLYFISH. I.hate.jellyfish. You want to know why? Because I have been stung by jellyfish 3 separate times in my life. And to make matters even stranger, I live in the Midwest, far away from a beach, so pretty much 1 out of every 3 times I have been to a beach in my life I have been stung. Do jellyfish hate me or do jellyfish hate me?!?
  • I have a strange dislike of laundromats. Isn't that weird? I used to have to go there with my mom every year to wash all of our big comforters. It just seems like a lot of weird and shady people hang out at laundromats. I have not been to one in years and would be happy to never go to one again.
  • I always eat my cereal without milk. I don't like soggy cereal and the only milk I drink is chocolate milk!
So now it is your turn to share! What are some odd things that you like or dislike?

I always love hearing what you have to say!


  1. Echo @ Sweetwater CreekMay 21, 2010 at 11:17 AM

    I don't like laundromats either. Lol. I have the same problem. The weird people you see there, teamed up with that "scary movie" lighting gives me the creeps.

  2. Toenails and long fingernails. Shredded chicken in Mexican food vs. chunks. Belly buttons (especially when people touch or pick them).

  3. I hate mushrooms and fish. Well, I guess fish is okay, as long as it is breaded and fried and dipped in some kind of a sauce that leaves it unrecognizable :)


  4. Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your LifeMay 22, 2010 at 7:57 AM

    stopping over from SITS, your blog header is just adorable!

  5. Crafty Girls WorkshopMay 23, 2010 at 7:52 AM

    Hey There,
    I'm stopping by from SITS today. I'm sure a lot of people get grossed out by this but I hate cleaning out the fridge of the leftovers that never got eaten. I also hate washing my hubby's tupperware from work. Yeah, that's gross. Oh and I hate laundry too, anyone else? Your blog is soo cute. Thanks for these interesting questions.


  6. I absolutely hate washing the dishes by hand. All the food that's still stuck on the plates...*shudder*. But I think everyone can agree with you about laundromats haha.

  7. Pumpkin and PigletMay 23, 2010 at 12:28 PM

    I really hate feet, which I think is pretty common and shaving gel just makes me shudder!

  8. I can't believe you've been stung by jellyfish 3 times! YIKES!

    I hate the bottoms of coffee mugs. If my fingers even graze one, I am a total mess over it for hours.

  9. I will only eat grilled cheese sandwiches if someone makes it for me. Same thing with a salad. Both just don't taste the same if I have to prepare it myself.

    I don't do potlucks. I can't eat something when I don't know where it came from. :S

    And you thought you were odd....;)
