Monday, May 3, 2010

Why Do You Blog?

I started this blog as way to keep family and friends across the country updated about our life and pregnancy. After Drake was born, I thought the blog would be a great way to record all of his milestones and share photos of our little guy.

I'm still blogging for those reasons, but in the last few months this blog has turned into something else, something I never would have predicted, something I love.

It is a place where I have connected with other bloggers, found great blogs to follow, and have formed friendships with people I have never met. My blog is a place for me to vent, be creative, and is a great outlet. It has turned into a hobby that I truly enjoy. Blogging has reignited my passion for writing and has given me some great opportunities to use writing outside of my blog. I've had the chance to write for a parenting blog and most recently found out that a piece of my writing will be published in a book. I would never have had those opportunities without this blog.

The main reason I blog is for Drake. I'm trying to capture something that a scrapbook alone can't.
I'm capturing our life by showing pictures that tell the story and need no words. I'm sharing the honest and emotional accounts of our life. I'm sharing the good moments and bad, the joy and the pain. I'm capturing our real life

So now I want to know...why do you blog?


  1. I started blogging for fun because my friends asked me too. My life is a circus and I think they wanted to laugh at me. Ha! But you are right, I have made fun "blog" friends and I would love to actually meet some of these amazing women in real life!

  2. It's like you wrote my answer for me. I can't tell you how much this post echoes my feelings and reasons!

  3. I blog for all of those reasons! I started my blog for family that lived out of state. Then I fell in love with blogging and "blog-land". I haven't been blogging long, but I hope to make some of these long-time friendships everyone talks about!

  4. I stumbled upon you through another blog and I completely relate to this post! I started my blog just for family and friends as a way to document Chloe's milestones. I soon rediscovered how much I enjoy writing, and although I don't put much effort into gaining more readers I hope that someday it will give me more opportunities as a writer!

  5. Katie-I am now following you! You know I started blogging a long time ago and just started this current blog about two years ago. I blog as therapy and it helps so much. Then I started connecting with all these amazing women (and men) from all over the world and just loved it. I guess I blog now to vent, to connect, to feel, to cry, to laugh, to document and cherish. I feel like my son is growing up so quickly that I won't be able to conjure up all these moments and want to write them down. My blog is my job right now and I am blessed that it has brought in income. I love the free product, services and money but sometimes I wish that I just wrote everyday---but I love it still. I LOVE meeting other bloggers and making new friends!

    I am now following your blog!

  6. I blog about things that I hope will help other moms out. Nothing is more important to me than my boys and I know other moms feel the same way about their kids. It's a win-win situation in my book. I feel happy and hope to give the same back to other moms as well.

  7. i started blogging to help my reading and writing skills improve. i have a lot of learning disabilities but for some reason when I blog it's easy for me. I love to talk about my kids and review products. but my kids are my joy. And most recently i have found other blogs that i enjoy ready. <3

    P.S. found you through d-listed. you have an Awesome, fun blog.

  8. ditto, mama. this was beautifully put, btw. and i am so glad we "met!" :)

  9. I blog for fun, for therapy, for stress relief. I like to take pictures, I like to write - blogging is a great fit for me. My blog is constantly evolving and I love it!

    Found you through d-list - you have such a great blog! I'm a new follower!

