Friday, May 7, 2010

The Most Important Job in the World

In honor of Mother's Day I'm dedicating this post to my Momma! Love you Mom!!

I don't think you can really understand what being a mom is like until you are one. It is like trying to explain what giving birth is like, you can hear a thousand stories but until you actually do it yourself the reality of it is hard to grasp.

I've been so lucky to have an amazing example of what a mother should be in my own mom. Her full-time time job was being a mom to myself and my two younger sisters. One of my favorite memories growing up is so simple, yet so perfect. Everyday I would come home from school, get a snack, and sit down at the table and tell my mom about my day. She would listen and ask questions and be genuinely interested in what I had  to say. She was always there at all of our activities cheering us on and supporting us. Today I'm lucky enough to call my mom my best friend, we talk almost daily and a week would be incomplete without seeing her at least once. I'm truly blessed.

I can't even put into words what these last nine months have done to me as a person. I'm forever changed by this little life. Drake has taught me patience and the importance of being more laid back. He showed me that playing is so much more fun than housework and the laundry can wait while I sneak in a few extra cuddles. Because of him I have the ability to love like I never knew I could and would sacrifice anything for this one tiny life.

Being a momma to Drake is a honor and a job I take very seriously. Although I do work outside the home 3 days a week, my real job is being a momma to my baby...and that is the most important job in the world!

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Oh my gosh- speaking of you having a snack...I remember that snack box! I remember coming to your house after school and your mom saying we could choose one Little Debbie snack or two mini candy bars. Um HELLO....Little Debbie please! I was a weird kid and LOVED that snack box....I tried to get one going at my own house but apparently we were not as organized. See, now your mom has even passed an idea on to me! You better believe Laila will have a snack box when she comes home from school! Thanks Kathi! :)

    PS: Loved seeing you guys last night! I hope Drake has recovered from all his Laila kisses.

  2. What a sweet post to your mom! And Happy Mother's Day to you!

    I'd love for you to stop by! I moved to WordPress earlier in the week and lost all my Blogger followers.

    Thanks! Have a great weekend.

  3. The Coupon SistaMay 8, 2010 at 6:46 AM

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great Mother's day!

  4. You are lucky to be able to have a best friend in your mom, and Drake is a lucky one, too. Visiting from SITS. Happy mother's day!
