Monday, May 23, 2011

Timeout is Old News

Looks like I'm in need of a different discipline plan.
The good ol' Super Nanny recommend timeout ( using their age as the number of minutes they have to stay there) is just not cutting it any more.

Whenver I tell Drake that he is going to timeout he smiles and runs to put himself in timeout (sitting down facing the pantry door) and then starts to fake cry like I put him there. Then he runs out gives me a big hug says "Sorry Mama" in the sweetest voice and proceeds to be naughty until he puts himself in timeout again.

Needless to say, timeout just isn't cutting it anymore. I'm in desperate need of ideas. What discipline tricks do you have up your sleeve?


  1. Is there a different time out spot you can put him in? Idk he probably really isn't even understanding what's going on with the time out other than he knows the routine. Maybe just explain to him what he did wrong? Man I'm bad at this stuff because what the heck does an almost 2 yr old know? I'll be lost when I get there lol. Good job at trying though!

  2. Sassy Silly Spunky MommaMay 23, 2011 at 8:51 AM

    We have tried different spots and I always explain before and after what he did wrong. He knows he is being naughty, so the problem is he just doesn't care! He sure gives me a run for my money! Just you wait ;)

  3. Oh man! That's a tough one. No advice, but please share when you find something that works!!

  4. Timeout NEVER worked for my daughter! Visiting from the Alexa hop! I'm also following via GFC. Would love if you could stop by and do the same :)

    Kristen from

  5. Valerie @ My-2-centsMay 24, 2011 at 2:42 PM

    Ha, ha, ha. That is one funny little guy.
    Find out what's important to him and go with that. If you do this Mommy is going to put ___toy away until tomorrow or no cartoons or something like that maybe.

    Hello, I am a new follower. I would love it if you would visit my blog and follow me back at Valerie @ My-2-Cents

    Thank you
    Have a blessed week!
    **Thank you Alexa Blog Hop
