Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Leaving Babyhood Behind

I knew this night would come but I did not except for it to come so soon.
I did not expect to feel so sad.

I did not expect to feel so proud.

Last night Drake slept in a big boy bed for the first time.

Yesterday morning I had no idea our night would end with a huge transition both for Drake and myself. I thought Drake was perfectly content sleeping in his crib. He never once tried to climb out, but yesterday he had other plans. He climbed out of his pack-n-play at his grandparent's during nap time and then I caught him climbing out of his crib last night.

Climbing out=time for big boy bed.

So after a quick 8:00 pm Target run to pick up a bed railing, we took the side off of his crib and installed the bed railing.

All of the sudden we had ourselves a big boy bed. 

A big boy bed for my baby.

After it was all installed we let him play in it for a little bit all while making a huge deal on what a big boy he was. I kissed him goodnight and shut the door. I braced myself for the worse; crying, screaming, and banging on the door as I sat down outside his room to ride out the storm.

He screamed.

He cried.

He banged on the door.

Then after 2 short minutes I heard him stick his paci in his mouth and climb into bed.

I sat outside his room crying tears of sadness for the little boy who  is no longer a baby and tears of joy for the pride I felt in him figuring it out himself.

He is growing up and I could not be more sad or more proud.

Somehow I have a feeling this will not be last time I feel like this.

Goodbye Babyhood. It was good knowing you.

Hello childhood. I can't wait to see what you have in store.


  1. Awww good job Drake! I have on idea what I'll do when we get to that point. I thought I would be sad when we moved them to their own room-and I was fine haha. I wasn't even that sad at their 1st birthday. But I do get twinges of sadness every time I see someone had a baby because I think that maybe this is our only chance.

  2. We just put Graham in a big boy bed too. I thought it was going to be a transition... so we started the transition since we having a baby in November. BUT... we are three nights in without any issues. He totally just adjusted immediately to the big boy bed.
