Monday, May 30, 2011


The last 7 days ( I took a few days vacation) have been nothing short of perfect. Zoo with friends, pizza, shopping all day with my mom, evening out with friends, coffee and shopping with a friend, driveway beers, staying in pajamas until lunch, science center, curling up with a good book, grilling out with friends, zoo again, dragon pool in the yard, sprinkler and ice cream. Perfect I tell you, perfect.

You know what else is perfect? Last Memorial Day Ben and I took Drake to the zoo just like we did today. I even got a lot of the same pictures of Drake that I got last year. Boy oh boy, has my baby turned into a little boy.


I'm off to enjoy the last few hours of vacation buy curling up with my Kindle. "Water for Elephants" here I come!


  1. oho ooh.. little boys are so cute! (and the plaid shorts are dreamy). My little man is only 3 months old - but growing like a weed. He'll be a little boy before i know it.. ack!

    (sending some alexa hop love!)

  2. super cute and let me know how that book is!!
