Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I've Resorted to Spying On My Kid

After the success of night one in the big boy bed I really had my hopes up for night two. Unfortunately the 2 minutes of crying we had on night one turned into 45 minutes of crying on night two. Throw in a bunch of pounding and banging noises coupled with being out of wine ( I KNOW! You should ALWAYS have an extra bottle on hand for nights likes this) and our evening was far from relaxing. I could only imagine what my little trouble maker was up to behind the closed door. As the pounding and screaming got louder I could not help but wish I had a video monitor to spy on the little monkey.
This is where fate ( Or luck. But I like to think it was fate)  takes over. Kids Woot (a daily deal website) had the  Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor as their deal of the day for $59.00 (it is usually $89.00) so I snatched one up.

I know some of you are probably thinking this is a bit extreme but I happen to have a toddler that can't be trusted. He is sneaky and quick. And he is so darn cute that you forget how sneaky and quick he is!

We are working on not going into the street when we play outside. Drake knows he can't go in the street by himself but he pushes the limits. He stands with the tip of shoes as the very end of the driveway and looks at me with that testing smile. I say "No" he looks me straight in the eye and says "Yes" and runs into the street.

Sneaky and quick are his weapons of choice and he uses them very well.

So anyways, now with my spy cam I can keep an eye on all his little shenanigans.

Plus think how awesome the video monitor will be when he is a teenager!!

I'm kidding, I'm kidding!!

But really how AWESOME would it be for a teenager ?!?

We are watching you Drake!


  1. Haha I'd think the monitor would just make it worse! Because you know what he's doing when he's crying and pounding on the door-not getting into trouble! And you'll probably feel even worse watching it lol!

  2. I've been wanting a video monitor. And I don't blame you for spying!!

  3. I don't blame you for spying! Kids can be very sneaky. Plus, if he's freaking out, I would feel better being able to make sure he's not hurting himself without physically opening the door to check on him, because he might mistake the opening of the door for attention and scream more. I think kid cams are a great invention! :)

  4. Stopping by for the Alexa hop!

  5. Stopping by from Spearmint Baby Alexa Blog Hop!

    Following you now via GFC!

    I too spy on my boys they are 2 and 4 and share a room - they are sneaky when they are quiet!

    I hope you’ll visit me back at

  6. following you via gfc and stopping by from the alexa hop!

  7. Spying on your kid--don't blame you in the least!! In his case sounds like it is for his own good--cute little troublemaker!! I am one of your new followers from Spearmint Baby!

    Michele aka MikiHope
