Friday, April 1, 2011

I Found a Grey Hair

I found my first grey hair this week and I'm pretty sure I know the cause of son.

This is what he has done to send me into all sorts of panic in the last 5 days alone:

  • I found him in my bedroom with an open bottle of laxatives and had to call the poison control center.
  • He tried to run in the street five thousand times yesterday.
  • He was coasting down the hill in our driveway on his bike standing straight up on the seat with the biggest smile on his face.
  • He about pushed himself backwards out of his chair while eating lunch.
  • He climbed up on the counter and found a pair of scissors and waved them around like a mad man.
  • We spent 2 hours in Urgent Care on Tuesday due to a horrible sounding cough. They prescribed him steroids. Steroids=crazy.
  • He has been sneaking over to the dog’s water bowl and sticking his paci in it and then sucking the water off the paci.
  • This morning he woke up with a high fever. Fevers make me worry. So I’m worrying.
I need a drink.

And a box of hair color.


  1. Oh man do I know how you are feeling!

  2. I am a new reader so I don't know how old your son is yet but I am very scared for myself. My son is 19 months so it sounds like I have some fun things to look forward too - Yikes!

    Found your blog on the SITS follow me follow you forum.


    Literally Inspired
