Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This is Why I'm Not a Craft Blogger...

 I'm always way too excited to start my craft project that I forget to take before pictures of my subject!

 Anyways, imagine the ugliest brown and cheap looking chest of drawers and multiple it by 100 and that is what this looked like before I worked my magic on it!

I used some leftover paint I had on hand to cover the chest and lived on the edge by not sanding it before I painted it. It took probably 3 coats of paint to get the coverage that I wanted but I was happy with the outcome. The knobs that were on it were ugly, so I tried to spray paint them white but that did not turn out very well (I'm not good at spray painting. Weird right?) so off to Target I went where I found these pretty white knobs for $6.00! To finish it off and give it  a distressed look I scratched the paint up a bit.

Here is the final result. I love the unexpected pop of color it adds to our entry way and the cozy feeling it gives the room!


  1. Looks great! Lovin' the color! :)

  2. Hi, Visiting from Spearmint Baby. It's crazy what a coat of paint and change of knobs can do. Looks great.

    Ava xx

  3. Looks great! Love the new colour!

    First time visitor and follower from the Alexa Hop! Tami

  4. Followed you on GFC via Alexa Blog Hop.

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    Life Below Zero

  5. Jenn at Sweet T Makes ThreeApril 21, 2011 at 5:13 PM

    I really like it! It has a nice vintage look especially with the camera on top.
    New blog hop follower
    Sweet T Makes Three

  6. Hey, I found you through the alexa hop on spearmintbaby! Now following your blog and hope you can follow me back :)

  7. Hello from Spearmint Baby blog hop!

    I'm your new GFC, FB (Yuliya Sh) and Twitter (@yulya_shenka) follower.

    Hope you'll visit me back :-)
