Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Toddlerhood-What I'm Loving Right Now

I'm in love with toddlerhood. I love the crazy. I love the cute. I love the fun. I love the adventure. I love the curiosity. I just plain love it!

Here is what I'm loving about toddlerhood right now:
  • The way he gets all excited to see me when I walk in his room in the morning and how he greets me with a huge grin and sweet "Hi Momma"
  • His love for his bike and the way he uses his feet to propel him down the sidewalk at a million miles per hour.
  • How he starts hopping and jumping all over with excitement when I pick him up from daycare.
  • The way he sings the ABC song just saying "CCCCC" over and over again.
  • When his Daddy gets home and he gets so excited and says "There he is" in a super high pitched voice.
  • How he loves to dance with me and has no idea that doing so makes my day.
  • His overwhelming love for his Papa. It brings tears to my eyes knowing that a person so special to me is so very special to my son.
  • The way he laughs when he is doing something naughty. He can't help himself  gives him self away every single time.
  • The sound of his laughter. This is a sound I never want to forget.
  • The way he knows what is coming up next in his favorite books and can't wait to turn the page.
  • The rare moments when he takes the time to give me a hug and kiss.
  • His obsession with all things truck related. I love how he runs to the closest window whenever he hears a motor and how spotting a "big truck" makes his whole day!

I love the little boy that my baby is becoming. I'm so very proud to be his Momma!


  1. Awww...how sweet. The toddler years are full of learning and new discoveries. Such a fun time.

  2. Love this post!! And we need to get together....Drake is changing and growing so much! I couldn't believe the new pictures!

  3. He is such a cutie and this post is such a nice change of pace- I usually see what someone hates about toddlerhood! LOL

  4. So sweet! It's been a rough day after a long night in our house. I needed this reminder to cherish and appreciate the little things about my now toddler! Thanks.
