Monday, April 4, 2011

Party Time- Ultimate Blog Party 2011 Style

Welcome to Sassy Silly Spunky Momma!  I've been a little busy this week doing stuff moms of 20-month old little boys do like calling the poison control center, picking up all the thumbtacks my son dumped on the floor and stopping him from shoving vanilla wafers down our dogs throat. You know pretty much everyday stuff.

Anyways here is a little more about me-
  • I met my husband at the Zoo. Now, before you go thinking this might be the cutest "how we met" story you have ever heard, just know that this zoo served beer and had a bouncer at the door. Not quite as cute as the zoo with lions and elephants, right?

  • My son Drake hates Santa so of course I'm planning a trip to see the Easter Bunny soon. I'm nice like that.
Of course this was our Christmas Card picture. Pretty much the most priceless photo I own.
  • I have been stung by jellyfish 3 separate times. This is very strange since I live in the Midwest and have only been to the ocean a handful of times. I'm taking this as a sign that jellyfish hate my guts.

  • Drake is always better dressed than me and I can prove it.
Good news is that I've lost almost 10 lbs and learned how to smile since this picture. Things are looking up folks!

Sweater vests and red Converse? They are what little boys are made of!

If you want to get to know me even better grab a pop (any other Midwesterners out there who call soda that?) or a glass of wine if you need something a bit stronger and stay awhile. You can read all about the time I walked around a college town with poop all over myself. Or about how I reacted when I found out we were having a boy. You can even educate yourself on Counting Kicks when you are expecting.

Drake and I want to thank you for stopping by SSS Momma for the party!  We hope to see you again soon!


  1. Kristina @ A Home Made by KikiApril 4, 2011 at 8:21 PM

    Hi! I'm stopping by from the UBP! Your son is such a little cutie...gotta love red converse! I love meeting new bloggers so stop by and visit to see how I am creating a healthy home for my family if you get the chance! I'm your newest follower!

  2. Love the photos and the post - I'm stopping by from UBP - I'm a brand new blogger, just getting the hang of it all, but I'm glad I came by to see your sassy site!

  3. My little one doesn't like Santa either. Instead of crying she gave him the evil eye of death while she got her picture taken. Great pics.

  4. My baby loved her first Santa visit, but she was only 4 months old at the time. Cute blog! I got your info from the SITS forum. Following now :)

  5. The Sabourin FamilyApril 5, 2011 at 8:17 PM

    Lovin' the red Converse shoes! Happy to have found your blog via UBP11. I'm your newest follower.

    Tammy @

  6. New follower from UBP

    Love your humor. Looking forward to reading more!

    Why do we mommies love the crying Santa picture? My daughter is 3 and we have 3 crying Santa pics...the only one where she isn't crying she was 3 months old and asleep. This year's was a doozie and possibly my favorite. LOL

  7. Hi! Popping in from the party and now following you!

  8. Wife on the Roller CoasterApril 8, 2011 at 8:04 AM

    What a great intro! I'm a new follower from the UBP. Nice to meet you! Hope you can stop by and say hi. :)

    Wife on the Roller Coaster

  9. Hi There!
    I just read about a jelly fish warning a few days ago.
    I'm stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party to say hello.
    Have a great day!

  10. I think this was my favorite UBP intro I read. Love it. You make me smile! :o)

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