Friday, April 22, 2011

I Would Never...

I would never write in my blog about how Drake went pee in the potty for the first time today. Nope, I would never do that.
I would never feed my child a lunch of mac and cheese, yogurt, fish sticks, and a lunchable. I would never do that either.

I would never burst out in hysterical laughter like a 8-year old when my son says "butt" over and over. What kind of mom would do that?

I would never give in to my sons demands for the some new matchbox cars. Please, I'm the one in control not him.

I would never let my child lay down in an aisle at Target and throw a fit. What would I be thinking if I did that?

I would never try and conceal my laughter and fail time after time when Drake does something bad and then looks at me with a huge smile while he says "hi." Nope I would NEVER do that.

I wonder what crazy person would do those sort of things? It most certainly isn't me!


  1. I laughed through this whole post!! I would never laugh when my almost three year old grabs his chest and shouts NIPPLES real loud.

  2. Hilarious! I would never let my child sleep on the floor because that is where she passed out at for nap.

  3. Jules from A Little Bite of LifeApril 22, 2011 at 9:37 PM

    This is great! You should turn this into a blog hop, because there are so many "I would nevers" I am sure everyone could add from their own families!

  4. Newest follower- catching up on my blog hopping- better later then never. Please visit me too!

  5. Although I say amen to all of the above, I learned that when you're a mom, never say "I'd never do this"... you'll be surprised!

  6. Visiting as a fellow Daily Buzz featured mom! Funny - mine's only 3 but I see much more of this in my future ;)
