Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Because You Can't Make This Stuff Up

 To say that we are having paci drama at our house would be the understatement of the year. You might remember a couple months ago I blogged about how I wanted to get rid of the pacis. That has not happened yet. I feel like they give Drake such a great sense of comfort and quite frankly I have not been brave enough to do it. I actually had totally stopped worrying about the issue until today when he bit a hole in his paci.

This really is not at all surprising, considering that he still used the newborn Soothie pacifier. Obviously they are not meant for a 20-month old with a mouth full of teeth. Since they now have become a huge safety hazard I decided to throw them all away.

You are probably thinking this would be the perfect opportunity to say enough is enough and get rid of the pacis and you would be 100% right. But being the HUGE softie and pushover I am when it comes to all things Drake this was not the case.  Instead of pulling the plug I made up all sorts of excuses about how we have a lot going on in the next month and this is just not the right time to do it.

So tonight I headed to Target to pick out some more age appropriate pacifiers. I was standing in the paci aisle debating about what pacifier would be best for my little paci-head when Drake grabbed a package off the shelf and started yelling "PACI" at the top of his lungs while proceeding to try and rip them out of the package. Since he could not get the package open this caused a huge meltdown complete with kicking, screaming, and crying all while laying down in the aisle.

Being totally in control of the situation, I did what any mom in her right mind would do and ripped the pacifier package open right there and stuffed one into his mouth. This seemed to satisfy him as he happily sucked on his new paci and told the cashier "my paci" over and over again as she scanned them.

At this point I'm not sure who has the bigger problem; Drake for needing a 12-step program to get rid of his absolutely out of control pacifier addiction or me for being the worlds biggest wuss when it comes to making my toddler give up the pacifier.

Whoever it is, I know two things for sure- Send wine and Super Nanny because I think I'm going to need them both!


  1. oh boy! haha! I forced the paci onto my baby to get her to quit screaming (she was colicky). I will try to take it from her when she gets teeth, hopefully.......

  2. My daughter was almost 3 when we finally got rid of hers. I tried from when she turned 2 by throwing them away but she seriously had so many stashed around the house. (one would disappear and I would buy more...I think she was just hiding them from me) I still to this day can not figure out where they were coming from. It was insane LOL

  3. Eeeek! I have similar issues with trying to 'wean' my four year old off her "Blankie" pink velour blanket.

    Visiting via SITS.

    I’d love it if you popped over and had a look at mine too, and perhaps followed me?


    Diminishing Lucy

  4. When you figure out how to get them away with out a major melt down please let me know so I can follow your lead. I just can't make myself take them away from B when the baby is due in a week & a half & he is going to see him with on most likely.

    Is this an excuse? Yep, but can I really handle taking it away at this point in my pregnancy? NOPE!!!

    Good luck!
