Monday, July 5, 2010

When You are 11 Months Old...

When you are 11 months old...
Standing at the window waiting for Daddy to come home is a great way to pass time

When you are 11 months old...
 You would rather crawl away then have your picture taken

When you are 11 months old...
Trying to steal cars from girls is fun

When you are 11 months old...
Chasing after girls is already cool...especially cute ones like Miss Laila

When you are 11 months old...
"Petting"  your puppy is awesome

When you are 11 months old...
 Momma lets you have whole milk in your sippy cup since you will not drink formula anymore

When you are 11 months old... 
Trying to climb the gate has become an obsession

When you are 11 months old...
 You get your second haircut

When you are 11 months old ...
 Momma likes taking pictures with you just so she can hold your busy body

When you are 11 months old...
You celebrate your first 4th of July with a Daddy so proud of you he could burst

When you are 11 months old...
You have no idea just how much we love you
and how you have been the greatest blessing in our life.
We love you sweet boy!
Happy 11 Months (on July 1st)!


  1. I love that he's already chasing girls! The photo of you two up in the window is so cute!

  2. What a cute post!!

    i'm a new follower, by the way :)

  3. Okay love this post idea....Mind if I borrow, and by borrow I mean steal, it for GG's 12month post? I agree with that he's already a ladies' man! I am so impressed with the sippy cup. GG is not interested in drinking from one yet much to my dismay. Also identify with standing by the window waiting and watching for Daddy. We do this practically every day. Hope you had a great 4th, Katie! Oh and happy 11 months to your little cutie!

  4. Love the photo of you and Drake up in the window! He's just so CUTE! Laila and I miss him (and you ;)) already! I just put pictures up from our zoo trip on Laila's site. Can't wait to get together again!

  5. He's so darn cute! I can't believe he's had 2 haircuts already. I like how he's mauling the dog and the dog cares not even a little bit. :)
