Wednesday, July 14, 2010

From Blog Hater to Blog Lover

My guest blogger today is my fantastic little sister Meggie. Meggie is going to be starting her second year at a big State University this fall and was lucky enough to witness the epic Poop Walk this past spring. She agreed to write a guest post for me despite the face that she does not even blog. I'm actually trying to encourage her to start a blog because she would have a very funny and witty take on the life of a college student. Enjoy!

When my sister first told me that she had started blogging, I thought to myself, why would you ever want to put your personal life out there for a bunch of strangers to read. Then, when she asked me to start checking out her blog I didn’t keep my thoughts to myself, and told her that I was a busy college student that didn’t have time and proceeded to let it slip about how I hated blogs. As it turned out it didn’t take long for me to change my mind.

As I’m sure you all know when you are a college student you will do anything to avoid the piles of homework and hours of studying ahead of you. I was surfing the web one afternoon early this spring and getting bored with my usual go-to site, Facebook, and decided to check out Katie’s blog just to see what it was like.

As soon as the page was fully-loaded I had a huge smile on my face because staring right at me was one of the many pictures Katie posts of my completely lovable and adorable nephew Drake. I kept scrolling down and looking thru old posts and was very impressed with what I saw. That same afternoon, I realized blogging was much more to many people than I could have ever imagined. I also realized what a great way it was to be able to see how my nephew was growing and changing since during the school year I rarely got to see him.

Since then, I have a whole different perspective on the blogging world and it is rare if I go a day when I don’t check to see what’s new with the Sassy Silly Spunky Momma and give even give her my daily vote….and who knows maybe one day I will even start my own blog.


  1. Ma What's 4 dinnerJuly 14, 2010 at 6:41 AM

    Welcome to the crazy world of blogging. So glad you're here!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's for Dinner

  2. I think it is only a matter of time before you start your own's a wonderful way to stay in touch and hone your writing skills, all at the same time. Jackpot!

  3. I know what you mean, though! There's enough stuff to read in college, why just add to that list!


    But I'm glad you are a good sis to Katie!

  4. Yea! Nice post Meggie- you would do great with a blog of your own! :)
