Monday, July 26, 2010

Drake Gives Back-Update #1

Last week was a big week for Drake Gives Back!! Here are some of the highlights:

  •  I received an extremely generous donation from LeapFrog . The kids at the hospital are just going to LOVE it!!

  • Two different media outlets have expressed interest in running a story on Drake Gives Back. I'm hoping it all works out because it would really help give the projects some  "legs"!

  • We  took Drake shopping so he could "pick out" something for the toy drive. He picked out a cool cars racing set.

  • I'm going to incorporate Drake Gives Back into Drake's birthday party on Saturday. Look for more updates next week!

As always, if you or you company want to donate please e-mail me (you can find my e-mail under the Contact tab at the top) any donation large or small is so appreciated!