Monday, July 12, 2010

Why I'd Make a Good "Boy Mom"

I'm so excited to have Liz from  a belle, a bean & a chicago dog as my first vacation week guest blogger! I love Liz's blog, like, really really love it. You see, Liz is one of those women who just has a way with words. She writes about her adventures with her 2 daughters, shares yummy recipes, has an amazing garden, and would be my friend in real life if we were neighbors. I just love her and I know you will too!!

When Katie asked me to guest post at her digs, I immediately said "yes" since she's Sassy and Silly and Spunky and all.

Then after I accepted my chance at a guest post, my next step was to figure out what it was I would write.

See, Katie's a momma to a boy, and I have 2 girls.

I LOVE having 2 girls, don't get me wrong, but I kinda think I would have been a great "boy" mom.

I grew up playing sports, and am as low maintenance as girls come.

I don't wear makeup, and I never "do" my hair.

I hate cattiness.

I hate pink.

See why I envisioned myself as a good momma to boys?

We didn't find out the gender ahead of time with either pregnancy. I remember walking through Baby Gap - understandably one of Katie's favorite stores - when I was pregnant with my oldest, thinking how cute and dapper all the boy clothes were. Then I'd glance to the girls section, and saw the ruffles and sparkles, and skimpy tops and short-shorts, and thought, "If I ever have a daughter, I have no clue where I'll shop because bare bellies and exposed booties just aren't acceptable in my book."

And that was before my mind ever imagined the age where fashion and make-up and boyfriends would come into play.

I love that boys don't have all the accessories girls have. You can buy boys a pair or 2 of shoes, and then a bunch of tops and bottoms, and they're set. They don't need entire outfits. They don't need matching hair bows and socks. They also don't ask for things like painted nails or pierced ears.

I love that moms of boys have minimum kiddie hair fixing to do each day.

I love that boys are usually "tough stuff" when they fall or get hurt; they just get over it and get back to playing.

I love that boys don't hold grudges against their friends (*see note about cattiness above).

I love that boys can pee just about anywhere, and let me tell you I've seen enough mommas to boys who can let their sons run to the edge of the woods during a soccer game to pee, while I'm hauling Kate across a parking lot and over to the not-so-clean public restrooms by the baseball diamonds to go potty.

And once the teen years come, I think my fit as a boy momma will be even more pronounced.

Can you imagine what life with 2 teen girls will be like?

Oh, I shudder at the thought.


  1. Maureen @ TatterScoopsJuly 12, 2010 at 6:36 AM

    OMG this is a great post! a mommy to a boy now I can't imagine how to handle a teenage girl if we do have girl but yours are so cute Liz! Love that pee everywhere line hahaha. Brilliant post.
    Ok, now will go read this blog, love the name!

  2. Love it Liz! You've got boy mothering pretty much nailed. Maybe you should go for number three!?

  3. inpursuitofmarthapoints.comJuly 12, 2010 at 7:40 AM

    I didn't get a daughter until Himself entered my life.

    Just my one boy. And for all the simplicity of boy clothes, they are boring boring boring!

    I made up for 8 years of shopping doldrums when my step-daughter came along!

    -Lori @ In Pursuit of Martha Points

  4. Melissa (Confessions of a Dr. Mom)July 12, 2010 at 8:30 AM

    Funny! When I was preg. with my first, we didn't find comes the boy! I was sad not to be able to shop in the little girls dept, it looked so fun! But, you're right..boys are easier to shop for, they can pee anywhere, and they usually don't care what they wear. My daughter already cares about her "outfit", picks out her own shoes, and is my little sassy pants...I get palpitations thinking about the teen years. For not having a boy, you pretty much nailed it!

  5. I have a teenage girl (just about 16) and she's very easy. I think both genders come with their own challenges. I suppose it all comes down to which challenges you feel more suited to handle. :-)

    I think I'm a good girl mom. I don't know what I would do with a boy, but I think if I had one, I'd figure it out! (I hope!)

  6. it is so funny... and since i have one of each i know how it goes. i always thought i wanted to have a boy or boys... and i had a girl first. defnitely a good thing!

  7. Great post Liz! You are so right about the ease of having a boy but those girl clothes would be so cute!

  8. Yes, there's a huge difference between raising boys and girls! Boys do seem easier...and I'm already afraid to see the twins turn into teenage girls...ugh!

  9. I've never been so happy to have a boy. ;)

  10. Huge difference in the teen years...and girls are harder! I have one of each, wouldn't change it for the world...but the drama, oh the drama of the girls....

  11. Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out LoudJuly 12, 2010 at 10:39 PM

    You know, I'm much more laxed when it comes to my son. I'm a bigger worry wort when it comes to my daughters. And you have every right to fear the teen years. My 13 year old is just getting started and it's already been a bit of a roller coaster!
    Great post Liz. Any chance you'll be able to try for that boy? ;)

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  12. See? I knew there was a reason I liked's because we're not typical girls. Maybe yours won't be either.

    Although, until I read this, I always thought "it's so nice that Liz has two girls. I bet she loves that painting their toenails and all. But I think I'd be ok with 3 boys."

    I'm pretty sure typing that curses me somehow but we'll see how it plays out.

  13. I had my 2 girls first and then my boy. Of course I didn't truly care the gender of my children, but I really did want a little boy and felt so blessed when he turned out to be one. All of the things in your post are so true.

    I must warn you though that they come out with the ability to make "car" and "gun" noises. Even though I would never allow a toy gun in my household I have seen my son improvise with his finger or his penis as a shooting object.

  14. Ma What's 4 dinnerJuly 14, 2010 at 6:40 AM

    Thank goodness I have 3 boys as I shudder to think what the hormones running around your house!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's for Dinner

  15. Funny as always Liz! I love when 2 of my favs come together for a guest spot.
