Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Sweet Drake: A Letter From Momma

Last night I snuck up to your room to check on you and there you were asleep with your little pink seahorse tucked under your arm. You. With your sleep sack that seems to get snugger by the day. You. Who has pacis strewn every which way around your crib. Sweet You.

What a different sight you are in your crib than you were just a few short months ago. I used to sneak in to find a little baby burrito swaddled as tight as could be to keep you feeling safe. You always looked so cozy with only your brand-new baby face and wild dark mop of hair peering out from that security net that was your swaddle.

As I am writing this my eyes are welling up with tears. These tears are not tears of sadness, but rather tears of complete joy and thanksgiving that your Daddy and I were able to part of your first year with you. And I want you to know we totally lived it up this first year.

You see Drake, I told your Daddy before you were born that we could not wish time away because it would go by so fast and we would want those moments back. We didn't wish time away but truly lived minute to minute and because of that we were able to savor every moment both big and small with you.

Sure, we enjoyed all the big moments like your first Christmas, watching you learn to sit up, the first time you crawled, those first teeth popping up and those first steps.

But you know what?

Those big things have nothing on all the pretty amazing small things this year was made of.

The first time you noticed Skinner and how from that day forward you were the best of friends. The way you are so quiet and sneaky when you are doing something you aren't suppose to. The look on your face when you had your first taste of ice cream. Your never ending love of the grocery store and the people in it. The way you look when you just get done eating a dinner of mac and cheese with pasta covering your body.The look of pride on your face when you mastered clapping.

 Oh and the hearts you have touched...believe me... there are many hearts that have been touched by you my sweet boy, so so many.

The best part is we captured all the big moments and  many of the small moments on camera for us to relive again and again. Around 5,000 photos of you have been captured in your 1st year alone to be exact. I think memories are one of the best gifts we can give you and your off to a great start with 5,000 things to remember. Don't worry because this 1st year, well, this is just the beginning of those memories.

I will end this letter by telling Thank You. Thank You for being the sweet, spunky, and adorable boy that you are. Thank You for letting me love you so much that it physically hurts. Thank You for being the missing piece of our family puzzle. Thank You for your enthusiastic clapping and those electric smiles and  your cute little toddle when you walk.

But most of all Thank You for letting me have the awesome honor and privilege of being your Momma. I know God hand-picked you just for me and for that I am forever and eternally thankful. Thank you for being my son. Thank You.

I'll Love You Forever...


  1. What a sweet letter! It made me think of my babies and how fast the 7 and 5 years have gone by. So fast. Hope Drake has the happiest birthday!

  2. He's lucky to have such a great momma!

    I love the block idea! I've never seen anyone do that before!

  3. That was so beautiful! You shed the tears now but he will shed the tears when he reads this an adult one day. Wonderful!

  4. Such a sweet letter. How lucky you both are to have each other.

  5. Awesome letter, Katie! Drake will love reading that one day. I love the block idea- I laugh as I scroll through and see the blocks go from being neatly placed to all jumbled up as he becomes mobile. :)

  6. Man, I've got to make it by before Liz, she always steals the words right out of my mouth and I sound so darn unoriginal! Hehe! Love the block idea! It's amazing to watch them grow!
