Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Poop Walk

This is the story of how Drake and I both ended up covered in poop. In a college town. Two hours away from home. This is the story of the poop walk.

Friday was a beautiful day for Drake, my mom and I to take a road trip 2 hours down the road to visit my sister at college. We stopped to checked out Meggie's dorm room and decided since it was so gorgeous out to take the 15 minute walk downtown for lunch. We ended up at a great burger joint.

The burger joint ended up being  more like a bar than a  restaurant and had super dim lighting(important to keep in mind for later in the story). Our food just arrived and all of us were digging in when Drake started making the poop grunt noises. All you moms out there know exactly the sound I'm talking about. So Drake does his business and I decide since our next stop was the bookstore I would wait and change him there as the bathrooms at this place left much to be desired. As we were finishing up our lunch Drake stated fussing so I picked him up out of stroller and held him. I then passed him off to my sister.  I started packing up to leave notice a  strange spot on my jeans. After further investigating the spot in the poor lighting I realize it is poop. Meg gives Drake a once over and notices a bit of poop on the outside of his pants. It appears as Drake had a a minor blowout so we pay our bill and make our getaway.

As we emerge from the dark dungeon into the bright sunlight I see that the damage is far worse than what I assessed inside. Drake has somehow manged to poop all the way down his leg and it is all over his sock and the outside of his pants. I take his socks off, wipe off his pants as best I can and assess myself. I have poop on both legs of my jeans(my new ones) and on my shirt. The poop was smashed into my jeans and smeared on my shirt, so no amount of baby wipes were going to make a dent in it. My sister also has a bit of  poop on her shirt and jeans.

This is where having a good sense of humor comes in real handy, because really if I did not laugh I would cry. So we all laughed and laughed and laughed. We decided while we were at it we might as well document the situation.
The wet spot you see is where I wiped all the poop off Drake. My does it get out of the pants through the leg and that far up?!?!

You can't see because of the lighting, but where the red marks circles are indicate poop in that whole area!! Isn't Drake going to love that I documented this when he get older?!?!?

And so then the poop walk begins. We start walking and get no further than 10 steps and run into one of Meg's friends. She laughs at our pooped covered clothing and joins in the poop walk across campus. A campus that is large. A campus that loves to drink. A campus that is hip. A campus that up until today may never have experienced a poop walk. I think we may have started something!

Please know that everything ended well. Our poop walk ended back at Meggie's dorm where we showered Drake off and put clean clothes on him. Thankfully Meg and I are about the same size so I was able to borrow some clothes for the trip home.(Note to self: start bringing  extra clothing for you next time you head out of town anywhere with baby.)

And one more thing...
My lack of proper laundering skills was exhibited again on Friday when I washed and soaked all of our clothes in hot water. Turns out that caused my jeans to bleed and turned the  white things blue. Drake now has a blue onesie and I now have a blue tank. Pretty awesome, huh?


  1. Oh no Katie! Sometimes I think I miss having little kids around...and then I read something like this : ) He is so cute though! What a sweetie!

  2. Ahh... the joys of parenthood. I do NOT miss diaper days one single bit, lol!

  3. LOL! I laughed so hard and was embarassed for you at the same time :)

  4. oh my. i am laughing, but so embarassed for you all at the same time!

    we've had many blowouts around here too, but so far, we've avoided the super hip college campus scene. ;)

  5. Isn't it funny how quickly moms can go from feeling calm and pleasant to frantic and out of control? It's always at the times when I think "wow, I really have it all together today" when my daughter will throw my cell phone in the toilet or put my brand new lipstick on my dog. I feel ya.

  6. Too funny! I remember when my oldest was a baby...he had a blowout that got all over the only "real" pants I could wear (he was only a few weeks old)...right before we went out. :-s. Visiting from SITS and following your blog.

  7. Hey Katie! I'm brand, spanking new to the blog world and discovered you thanks to SITS! I have been playing around with having a 4th baby but this post just cinched it for me...I'd sort of "blocked out" some memories from the days of babyhood and you just gave me a gentle, but firm little reality check. I am DONE. I'm fortymphish and have 3 healthy beautiful boys so it was really just talk anyway. You might get a kick out of my blog...coming from an OLDER woman who is past the baby stage and kinda missing it! Visit me at!

  8. OH man, only a mom can really relate to this story. I have definitely been there!

  9. Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanityNovember 8, 2010 at 6:10 AM

    Oh! So nice to meet you from SITS. Please know that I too have experienced the poop walk. Humbling! (and funny!!) :)

  10. OH, the memories of the blowouts. My babe would poo all the way up his when you took the onesie off.....Yah. Ewww!!!

  11. Oh no! Poop stories are always the most fun, huh? How come these blowouts never happen when you're 10 minutes from your house?

  12. I also learned the hard way that you not only have to carry a change of clothes for your baby but for yourself. Ew.

    Happy SITS Day from a fellow Midwesterner that also knows the proper terminology for carbonated beverages!!

  13. Maybe Drake can use these pictures and the story on his application to that college in a few years.

  14. LOL! Got to love those poop blow outs. You've reminded me of my first venture out with my brand new daughter. You know you are a brand new parent when you try to go for a quick walk to the grocery store and DON'T BRING ANY DIAPERS!! Ack!

    I think I might have to blog this. Even though it was 4 years ago.

    Visiting from SITS

  15. Oh we have all been there! You can't have children without having a visit from Mr. Poopie at the worst times...

    Happy SITS Day!

  16. I think all moms experience poop blowouts. When my daughter was about Drake's, I was changing her wet diaper (in her bed), stepped away for a few seconds (maybe minutes), came back & she had pooped & poop was everywhere...her hands, her face (luckily not in her mouth). She was laughing. I grabbed the camera before I cleaned her up. She's 14 now. I may have to use that picture as ammunition someday soon(to show her boyfriend).

    Happy SITS Day!

  17. Teresha@Marlie and MeNovember 8, 2010 at 6:39 AM

    been there! I think I cried though, you had a much better attitude about the poop. :-)

  18. Oh, I love poopsplosions - the happen at the best times! Like, for example, when you're on the descent part of an airplane landing and can't go to the bathroom and have 15-minutes to run down a massive terminal to catch the next flight. Oh yea, that was my worst poopsplosion moment. So I can totally relate! Extra clothes are essential - I ended up chucking my daughter's poop clothes in the airport restroom in a mad dash to make the next flight. You can read about my crazy experience here:

    Just stopping by from SITS. Love your header!

  19. You gotta love a great poop story!! My little guy had many a blow out. I have said in the past that you aren't a parent until you have literally been pooped on!!

    Love your blog design BTW...congrats on your SITS day!

  20. Re the laundry--- it's the poop that keeps on giving apparently! Hilarious story!

    My firstborn once had a buttplosion at the AZ Diamondbacks game on my hubby. I could laugh right away but he could not. Happy SITS day again!

  21. Hello my SITStah! Oh, I am so very fond of poop stories.
    I say, every college campus needs more poop walks and less walks of shame!

  22. Hilarious. I had to read this as I've done many a poop walk in my day. Motherhood...gotta love it. Thanks for sharing and have a great SITS day!

    From Babes about Town

  23. Oh Katie, I remember those poopy kind of days well! There was one time, in fact, where I recall rolling my daughter's tights and skirt in a bunch of paper towels and just throwing them away in a bookstore bathroom. There was no chance of resuscitation for that outfit!

  24. LMAO!!! Omg, THIS? Is hysterical. I don't have kids just yet but I look forward to the days of poopy pants. Is that weird? All a beautiful part of motherhood :)
