Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The New Topping For Toast

I have some deeper posts sitting in my draft folder so I thought before we got to all that I would share something a little lighter.

You see this little monkey?
He can't be trusted, not even for one second.

So on Saturday morning I put my toast in the toaster, coated it with peanut butter and topped it off with some grape jelly all while keeping both eyes on my little man.

I went to take a bite and caught a whiff of a smell coming from my toast that was not bread, peanut butter or grape jelly.

I looked closer only to find that I did not put grape jelly on my toast but rather BBQ sauce!

Each day is truly an adventure at house... and that is just the way we like it!


  1. oooohh funny!! and kinda gross, LOL! I was afraid you were going to say poo or something. Haha!

  2. Yikes! Bet that got your attention! While watching GG crawling around in the kitchen I once poured all my noodles in the sink, missing the strainer completely! At least we have someone to blame for most of our mishaps!

  3. oh my! that's hilarious!

    the fun just never stops, does it? ;)

  4. I don't even have kids yet but I already do stuff like this all the time. Oh no!

  5. It only gets worse! :)
