Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Size Smaller

Some of you may remember the whole Jeans Mission 2010 post awhile back where I was on a hunt for a pair of jeans that fit. Last week I started that mission again in the search for a pair of capri jeans since I had zero pairs that fit. I came across this pair:
photo from GAP website

They were cute and super soft and comfy. You can imagine my surprise when the usual size 12 fell off of me. I put on the size 10, decided they fit, bought them, and headed on my merry way. A week passed before I wore the capris for the first time. Turns out these jeans have A LOT of stretch in them and by the end of the day they were literally falling off of me. So on Monday during my lunch break I took them back and exchanged them for a size 8. I seriously have never in my life worn a size 8 before…never ever.

I’m going to forget about the fact that the same day I bought these jeans I could hardly button some of the size 12s, yep I’m just going to forget about that part. I’m also going to forget that I wore the size 10 capris for a whole day, washed and dried them in hopes of them shrinking a bit (they really should tell you they run big, bet they would sell more since people love wearing a smaller size) and then wore them again for a whole day before I returned them. I am forgetting all of that and just enjoying the fact that I own a pair of size 8 jeans that fit. Thanks GAP for making a momma feel just a little bit better about herself!

P.S. Did you know that overalls are coming back?!?!?

Photo from GAP website

Little known fact about me: I used to LOVE overalls and wore them all the time. I even wore a pair on my first day of college back in 2001. Apparently the memo that the overall trend died in the 90's did not make it to my small rural Midwest town before I hit college. I think I can say with confidence my overall days are now over!!


  1. I love it when that happens :)

  2. Hi, stopping by from SITS. Wow thats fabulous! i dream for the day that will happen to me :)
    hope your little one gets well soon.

  3. I remember wearing overalls in college, too. Funny how they show them with high heels, though.

  4. Yay for you! Isn't it so annoying how sizes fluctuate so much from one store to another. Funny how all my fav stores are the ones where I can fit into smaller sizes...hehe!

  5. OMG I LOVE overalls! Congrats on your smaller size success. Wearing a smaller size makes me feel really cool. REALLY cool.

  6. Oh what I would give to wear a size 8! I'm in a 12 right now : ) Congrats!

  7. Yeah overalls. I love them. They hide every thing I don't want to show LOL.
    Good find.
    Happy SITS!

  8. that is fantastic! i always love when that happens. and overalls? i suppose that makes sense...i just hate being old enough to have fashions make there way around AGAIN. ;)
