Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Next Step

The reflux is not getting better. We met with Drake's GI doctor last Thursday and he increased his dose of Prevacid, but even with the increased amount he is still screaming while he eats. So on Tuesday we will get up early, buckle our little boy into his carseat and drive to the hospital. At the hospital we will sit with our hungry baby and wait for him to be taken in and put under general anesthesia to have a Scope and Biopsy done of his esophagus as well as an Upper GI X-Ray.

We are hopeful. We are hopeful these procedures will help end this reflux nightmare. We are hopeful we will be able to stop this fiery hell from causing Drake more pain. We are hopeful we will find out exactly what is going on. But most of all we are hopeful for answers and a treatment that will finally give Drake relief from a pain that he has had practically his whole life. We are very hopeful.


  1. You guys are in my thoughts & prayers!!

  2. How awful to have your little guy in pain!

  3. Kerry Neville BakkenApril 29, 2010 at 9:50 AM

    I went through something similar 9though not as drastic) as you with my boy. It was truly awful. I hope the tests reveal something that you can tackle. best of luck!

    Stopping by from SITS.

  4. Good luck! I feel for you guys! I had 2 reflux babies (and upper GIs for both), and it is rough!

  5. This makes me so sad Katie!! I hope they figure it out soon...poor little guy! I'm sure this is killing you!! You're doing great though!!! He always looks like such a happy/healthy baby boy who loves his mommy and daddy more than anything!

  6. thinking of you guys! hopefully your little guy can get some relief - that's tough. keep us updated, mama!
